How mobile advertising complements local area digital signage

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2 min readJun 21, 2017

Advertising on mobile is expected to surpass desktop this year in 2017. Location based mobile ads are not dissimilar to physical advertising billboards or traditional out-of-home digital signage, for example people can only see them when they are near it which makes the messages very targeted. Combining both mobile ads and OOH channels wisely can complement and amplify each other effectively. While physical signage has limitations of tracking actual impressions and interactions, mobile advertising doesn’t since they can be individually tracked and monitored on each user’s device. This gives advertisers the advantage of using mobile advertising technologies to complement their physical billboards and signages, creating a deeper consumer engagement with their brands. If users are connected on Wi-Fi, advertisers can also hyper-zone mobile advertising within a specific venue. For example, Wi-Fi users at a food court can be served ads related to entertainment while users at a cinema in the same venue can be shown ads related to food and beverages. This method is extremely effective for contextual local area marketing.

If you would like to find out how to use Kakku’s signage#mobile advertising solutions to complement your physical signages to create an effective local area marketing strategy, visit us at

