I Write This Article as My Thoughts Roll In.

The present moment is when I’m thinking about the subtitle.

Surya Popuri
3 min readJul 9, 2022


I am randomly thinking of stuff to write as I begin to write this paragraph. You could think this is weird, but I do not believe so. Writing is a good way to express your thoughts and feelings, when you cannot usually express them everywhere you like. It’s a good idea to let out any bottled up emotions through words, lest the mind explodes.

I think about so many things at once. As I returned from work to put my stuff where they belong, I suddenly remember an Anime I began and also stopped watching four weeks ago, and now, I am desperate to open up Netflix and watch it. It’s a fun series called Saiki K, where a guy can read others minds and use his mind powers and psychic abilities to control the world around him, kind of like a superhero.

I wish I could read the minds of other people. I want to know what goes on in their heads when I give them a text and they take forever to reply, even though I see them online all the time. Just kidding, I do know everyone “has a life” *wink*.

Speaking of life, there’s no rule that you need to relax only during the weekends. They say “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, and I think this whole time a lot of people have been thinking that the proverb only applies to Jack. Take a walk, grab a drink, enjoy some fresh breeze outside. We have got one life to live, after all.

All those thoughts are being replaced by the fact that I am irritably hungry right now. I haven’t been cooking any solid meal lately, only plain rice assisted by some pickles. I feel like frying fresh Idaho potatoes, mixing some chilli powder and salt, and gobbling them up by myself. Cooking is a great way to improve your patience and also augments your attention to detail, my family always says.

As I‘m typing this sentence, I look out the window. It’s almost 7PM, but the sun hasn’t set yet. I am honestly not a big fan of the concept of daylight savings and different time zones in the same region. I recall a time in Arizona when I had an interview scheduled at Mountain time, but apparently Mountain time is not the same as Arizona time. I had to give the interview an hour early, in a very awkward situation.

After taking a small break to take the picture above since the sunset was quite beautiful, I feel like it’s time to conclude. I’m starting to think of things I can be grateful for, like having the chance to write about everything I’ve been thinking up until this moment, and I’m a little relieved that I just wrote them the moment I felt like expressing my thoughts. I now conclude this paragraph as I leave to handle my chores.



Surya Popuri

Writing, music and travel. I play the guitar a little and made some covers on Instagram at @panglossian.97