Forgiveness & Boundaries

How to forgive others while setting healthy boundaries!

Kennedy Wren
Kaleidoscope Minds Journals


Photo by Gus Moretta on Unsplash

“Forgiveness frees you from any spiritual warfare the enemy may try to throw at you from the situation”

The Lord constantly tells us to forgive. In-fact, it’s a command from God for us to forgive those who have sinned against us (which means to fall short) or offended us.

That act of forgiveness is a day to day thing we have to live and walk out everyday, every hour and sometimes every microsecond.

( Matthew 18–21–22 NLT)

Not only is forgiveness for the other person, Forgiveness is also and mainly for you.

The very meaning of forgiveness means to be released from feelings of resentment or anger towards a person or persons who have hurt or offended you regardless of if they deserve it or not.

Every time you replay a situation or scenario back in your mind, you are reopening that wound which is allowing the enemy to torment you mercilessly, which causes you to be in even worse emotional and mental pain then you were in the first time the incident ever happened.



Kennedy Wren
Kaleidoscope Minds Journals

God has completely healed me from Mental Illness. Now I share my life experiences living in total freedom as a Prophetic Pastor.