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What True Freedom Looks Like

How I was delivered from Bipolar 2 disorder through the Healing power of the Holy Spirit.

Kennedy Wren
4 min readSep 8, 2022


But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed — Isaiah 53:5 NIV

Well, first I want to come on here and tell my long time readers thank you so much for following me after almost a year of being absent. My life has changed drastically (as you can read by the title) and I’ve been living and thriving in what is now my own personal “new normal.”

As some of you know, I used to be a mental health and mental illness blogger that also wrote the occasional what’s new in social media articles. But personally, mental health was — and always will be — my passion to write about.

But ever since November 9th 2021, My life has changed forever for the better.

I was healed fully from Bipolar 2 disorder by the healing power of God through the Holy Spirit. What happened to me cannot be explained through human logic nor be explained through a scientific hypothesis because God defies all of it.



Kennedy Wren
Kaleidoscope Minds Journals

God has completely healed me from Mental Illness. Now I share my life experiences living in total freedom as a Prophetic Pastor.