It’s A Challenging Time of Year

Schalk Neethling
Published in
2 min readDec 5, 2019

It is that time of year again. Festivities all around us. End of year functions, Christmas, and a general sense of reckless abandon :)

It is also a time that can be particularly challenging for some people. For some people it is a time of loneliness, struggles with depression and yes, temptations in the form of alcohol as well as food, food, food.

It has been a while since I wrote an update here, or anywhere else really. No time like the present though, right?

In general, life is pretty darn good and I can honestly not complain. I have realized though that I am slowly starting to slide down a slippery slope I have been down before. While it is nowhere as bad as it was, that does not mean that I do not have the potential ;p

I am of course referring to my struggles with alcohol. I reintroduced it into my life around six months ago, and for the first couple of months, it went really well. I kept myself to one beer or a glass of wine in the evening and ended it. Over the last two months though, there have been just too many evenings where that one glass, has turned into one bottle, where one beer has turned into five beers. You get the picture.

I am thankful for being mindful enough to realize it and take action before it takes control of my being again. That is one thing that is very different this time around.

So what is my action plan? Simple. I publicly pledged to go #100DaysWithoutAlcohol inspired by the #100DaysofX website and concept. After the 100 days, I will simply reevaluate whether I want to reintroduce it back into my life or not. Based on my current experience, I will not.

And that is it, just a short and sweet update to what is going on with me. I felt I would be open and share because, as mentioned earlier, this can be a particularly challenging time of year for people.

Are you struggling with something? Do you need assistance, need someone to encourage you, keep you accountable? Let me know in the comments, and let’s help each other live our best lives. Until next time, be kind to each other.



Schalk Neethling

I write about mental health, addiction, sober living, living your best life through an active lifestyle and a whole food plant-based diet. Psychedelic curios :)