Kaleidoscope Board of Organic Certification

Kaleidoscope XCP
Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2018

Recent expansion in the number of farmers harvesting CROPS has led to a significant increase in pollution. Part of this has been caused by such negligent processes as Ethanol production, CROP Fumigating and the wreckless sport of CORNCOMBINE racing.

Effects on smaller production houses such as Kaleidoscope are stark.

If you are logged in and harvesting CROPS you will see the pollution for yourself on the Kaleidoscope directory page.


It’s a sorry state of affairs isn’t it.

Our tests indicate if you have more than 0.34 CROPS then your view will be totally obscured!

Call to Action

The Kaleidoscope Foundation will not sit idly by and let this happen! We have formed an Action Committee and are lobbying the upper echelons of the Counterparty Protocol to recognise the issue.

We urge all farmers to move to organic and sustainable methods of farming.

As such we have issued Kaleidoscope Certificate of Organic Bitcorns.


Our board will work closely with farmers to assist them with the new …

… Clean CROPS Initiative

In order to qualify you must meet our certain and exacting criteria. It’s complicated, but organic compliancy is very thorough.


  • At least 3 animal assets made of FARMSPIDER, FARMCAT, CORNDOGS, COCORICORN, ROOSTERCORNS, CORNBADGER, CORNKITTIES, MURDEROCROWS, HORSETRADER or BATCORN to demonstrate your farm can consistently support life.
  • At least 2 other types of crop, consisting of BITBEANS, SQUASHES or CABBAGES to demonstrate your bio-culture is diverse.

If you have these assets you only need one Certificate and you will be compliant. If you don’t have enough of these assets you will need to aquire them in the most organic way, the market. If you are to find these due to rarity of assets please let us know.


You will need an additional certificate for every single one of the following as they are particularly harmful to the environment:


ie. if you have 4 CORNETHANOL you will need another 4 certificates.


For every TOPDRESSING you have you can offset your pollution grading.

ie. if you have a pollutant grading of 5 and have 2 TOPDRESSING then your pollutant grading will be 3.

How to Get Certificates

Assessment of each farm is computerised and verified using the Counterparty protocol. You will see the amount of certificates you need on the read out under the asset. If your view is just too polluted you will need to look in the console to see how many you need. If you need support please contact us.

In order to process each certificate and receive ongoing support for a clean Kaleidoscope you will need to pay 500 Bitrock per certificate. This is a nominal amount to cover administrational fees.

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Assessment is now automatic. Through the pollution you should see an assessment like this. This will tell you how many other cards and certificates you need. You can find them on the counterparty DEX.

This farmer has no plant diversity. Once he buys 2 plant cards he can see how many certificates he will then need.

Once we receive your payment and we are happy you are compliant you will receive your certificates and we will work to ensure Kaleidoscope is always clear and accessible for you.

If you wish to talk to us about the issues raised here please visit our customer support service.

Thanks for your patience.

Kaleido Mundus Agricultae

(Oh, just one more thing. The Kaleidoscope Board is always open to bribes, of course.)

