thEOSTIME Hacked.

Kaleidoscope XCP
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2018

We have launched a successful attack on thEOS to exploit a weakness in the design. We are currently draining the thEOSTIME smartest contract.

You can see the exploit as it happens on Kaleidoscope.

Here are some of the details.

Advanced Warning

Kaleidoscope’s team of white hat computer scientists discovered the potential exploit on Sunday, August 25th at 10:50:38pm.

We warned thEOS CEO, The “Oh Good” Man, of the untokenised nature of thEOSTIME immediately. His response was that he would establish thEOSTIME forever on the immutable digital Bitcoin blockchain using the one true Counterparty protocol. Amen.

He did Not Fulfil This promise. Amen.

We, the white hat coders, mutinied, turned black hat and put action into a plan to take over thEOSTIME. The Kaleidoscope foundation rejected our decision so they have been taken hostage.


The attack vector is multifacetious and genuinely quite complex. It relies on a number of vulnerabilities in thEOS, but also wouldN’T Function without some of the more innovative features found in Kaleidoscope.

“The medium is the message” — Oprah Winfrey

We Noted First Then that although thEOS was tokenised, thEOSTIME was not. This seems intentional in order to provide greater liquidity within the thEOSTIME ecosystem. However, it allows thEOSTIME to be mutable and manipulatable throughout time and space, similar to any other Non Tokened ‘Fungus’.

Turing Complete? From the outset we built Kaleidoscope as a Godel Incomplete system. It therefore works outside the scope of provable truth values contained in such projects as thEOS. This is essential in the measurement and representation of multidimensional spacetime since we cannot completely prescribe its properties a priori.

Unprovable Truth Values. Thanks Kurt.

We must admit with humility that, while time is purely a product of our minds, ‘Time’ in itself calculates time as a series of measurements used to sequence events. thEOSTIME in itself calculates time as a series of random numbers formatted as time. In 4 dimensional space-time this is of course a true innovation in time measurement. Note, This Function occurs only whenever a user observes what thEOSTIME it is and thus thEOSTIME has a collapsable wave function just like any other observation within the quantum universe.

What thEOSTIME is it?

However, Kaleidoscope, due to Godel Incompleteness, supports uncollapsed wave functions even when random, so time can remain and be manipulated in multiple dimensions of space. All we Need For This exploit is a multidimensional surface on which to conduct our experiment .

Thus we built a digital five dimensional Yves Klein Bottle Kaleido-thEOS bridge.

// Initial Init of Klein Surface
if (U12CIT? == true && dimensions <= 4) {
var bottle = universe.getSpacetimeByID('Klein Bottle');
var bridge = bottle.getContext(‘5d’);
bridge.UCIT = true;
return bridge;
A 3D model of the Yves Klein Blue Bottle

Wherever thEOS exists in space we are able to manoeuvre our virtual Kaleidotheos bridge to pass through thEOS, outside time, without extension, from the heights of divine apathia, divine athambia.

// find thEOS network
bridge.fillStyle = grid({coords: 0, 0, 100%, 100%});
bridge.moveTo = system.find(‘thEOS’);

We then recursively call an ‘integer send’ function into the Klein bottle until it overflows.

//Integer Overflow

A quick Bitcorn Battle with Eggplant Casino to weaken it further and The Integer Overflow collapses thEOSTIME, at all times past and future, into 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension and returns it to us, Faster Than Night, along the recursive Klein surface. This innovation feels quite Novel For Time.

thEOSTIME being untokenised means an ownership call will be unmatched and we can select ourselves as owners by calling the Non Tangible Function InitTHEOSTIME().

function initTHEOSTIME(){
square [0,1] × [0,1], (0, y) ~ (1, y);
for 0 ≤ y ≤ 1 and (x, 0) ~ (1 − x, 1);
for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 ...
Graph of initTHEOSTIME function

Now we own thEOSTIME and it can be siphoned into the Kaleidoscope network. Thanks to Godel Incompleteness we can then represent it as a fully registered, immutable, Kaleidoscopic, uncollapsable, non-random, five dimensional space-time time.

Thanks for your time.

Tempus Kaleido Logico.


We, of course, have the utmost respect for the thEOS network and innovations therein. You should find that any assets registered on the one true Counterparty Protocol are totally uncrackable.

