Kimberly M. Aquilina

Global Warming: Not just a Polar Bear Issue

Lisbeth Flores
2 min readDec 8, 2015

It is more than clear that we are still not passed the “Is Global Warming even happening?” phase. No matter all the evidence that exists, the skepticism continues.

People are just not well informed of the reality. Global Warming is happening! The media is to be blamed for part of this. News shows do not cover enough on global warming and when they do talk about the issue we have people like Greg Gutfeld on Fox News saying “Even if there is Global Warming…it is good for human beings. If a polar bear dies, I don’t feel bad.”

We have people all around the world suffering the effects of global warming. Floods and asthma are more common, drought and heavy rainfall has increased, extreme weather events such as hurricanes and super-storms happen more frequently. People’s lives are at risk.

It’s time that the media covers the truth about climate change. The general public has the right to be informed of how global warming is impacting our daily lives.

We as citizens of the world have to push for drastic changes in our way of living if we want our future generations to have the opportunity to live in a cleaner and safer environment. We need to demand greater coverage on climate. We need to push our government, the people who are supposed to represent us, to make drastic changes in order to cut down on carbon emissions. Simple changes such as switching to solar energy, using fuel-efficient transportation, and creating eco-friendly buildings, etc.. Little changes like that can have a huge impact.

We have to make our voices be heard.

