The Secret Supreme

Mahesh CR
Kali’s Brood
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017

A horrid stream leapt from darkness’ abode
A grim reminder of prevailing hopelessness
It was a revolt of falsehood
For Ignorance in cluelessness found no solace.

Thus like a black cloud furthering the night’s darkness Ignorance veiled itself
To find a grain of Truth with its self-spun veil
A cohabitant of its bondage
A captive of the mystic veil
Faith, Trust and Aspiration were strangers
To the Ignorance thus bound.
What ironed Law failed to do
Necessity with its restless compulsion achieved:
It drove Ignorance to court Truth
For sustenance was what all principles of Life sought A self-propagation of its limitation under the Truth’s grab Not knowing Truth’s way was assimilation Ignorance took the plunge -
Like a firefly seeking light.
In the wonderland of Truth
On a canopy of an expansive sky
The blanket of luminosity was spread.

It was the effulgent Weaver revealing His wares.

Crowding the little above with His hues.
A kaleidoscope of possibilities were here.
Like a dark moon, Limitation, the stranger, arrived
Awed with wonderment at the luminous sphere
And with a base hope thought
“Me does Nature delight in and
I’m her multiplicity’s cause.
Covering this expanse of Light
I shall keep her in the cave of Inconscient.”
Truth extended its limb of transmutation to the musing stranger, Confiding a timeless secret.

Ignorance received with distrust the potion
On which a mutation begun in limitation.
First were the trickles of Truth,
Divine dew of the Blue Heavens,
Then in rushes heavens rolled in.
The dark stranger grew up by his destruction,
From the cocooned confinement
Emerged a beauty, a coloured heaven.
An infinite winged Truth raced with Time’s moments
Ever eager to reach the Beyond’s beginning. Travelling thru’ subtle spheres of becomings
It discovered the horizon of Time, where the tenses of Time were one.

In one irretrievable move it aspired once more.

And then happened the supreme miracle
All was the same, yet by a mystic alchemy
All was not the same
Once again the Transcendent Magician performed.

And none could find His method — The Secret Supreme.

(Picture courtesy Priti Ghosh)



Mahesh CR
Kali’s Brood

Hi, I am Mahesh CR, Founder @tataatsu. I walk the borderlands between technology & spirituality. Follow @kalisbrood for Spirituality & Hinduism related topics