Built to Spill — You In Reverse

Corey Vilhauer
Kallax 365
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2016

2 × Vinyl, LP, Album, Limited Edition

The bizzaro version of me is probably going to vote for Donald Trump because the bizzaro version of me doesn’t like Donald Trump … but understands his platform is necessary for the future of the Republican party.

So I don’t pity or stand outraged or shake my head in disbelief when my family refuses to admit they’re voting for them (when, of course, they’re totally voting for them). It’s embarrassing and it should be embarrassing. But I get it. I understand the thinking. The process. The fright in seeing your chances for a candidate up in smoke before anything even starts.

This is me in reverse — backing up and figuring out the reasoning behind the craziness, because, despite their political leanings, I love and cherish the few friends and family members I have who are totally voting for Trump (or are so totally against Clinton that they feel they have to vote for Trump), or are so defeated by the entire cycle that they’re not even going to vote at all. I love them and cherish them and I don’t pity them and I don’t have any outrage.

Because me in reverse understands. And me in normal speed, looking forward at a strong candidate, one who is more than qualified to lead the nation, also understands, because if the tables were turned and my liberal candidate was a mess and embarrassing but could promise four more years of social acceptance and Supreme Court stability … I’d definitely be doing the same thing.

See, I know there is nothing I can say that will change their minds. And I get that, because there’s nothing anyone could say to change mine. That’s the crux of the discussion — we argue and we push but those of us on the decided sides are just trying to smash up concrete with a plastic hammer.

So, instead, me in reverse thinks about both sides and empathizes. Wishes no ill will. And is secretly relieved that my candidate is the one that’s way ahead.



Corey Vilhauer
Kallax 365

Writing prompts from 365 vinyl records • Contents probably rarely about records • I also write at http://blackmarks.net and http://eatingelephant.com • Hello