So. What’s this now?

Corey Vilhauer
Kallax 365
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2016


Some quick facts.

  1. I used to write a lot. I loved it, actually.
  2. I stopped because I had frothed myself into a place where I felt I couldn’t write anything but Important Things™.
  3. I still want to write Important Things™. When they are ready. But they’re rarely ready. Because I’m out of practice.
  4. Then I had AN IDEA, when I looked at my record shelf and saw there were 365 records on it. I said “Hey, there’s a way to write something stupid EVERY DAY.” I will let Discogs go through my list in alphabetical order, which will be maddening to many because they do things like list Bob Dylan under the “Bs” but, hey, I’m not going to make another spreadsheet for this.
  5. Then I had ANOTHER ONE, when I looked at Medium and said “Hey, I can use this as a way to use Medium.” Because I am protective of my real writing and I don’t want Medium to have it. But they can have this. They can certainly have this.
  6. I am probably not using Medium right.
  7. Anyway, I’m going to write very small things about records, but let’s be honest, they’re probably not going to be about records, because reading about someone’s music tastes can be so boring and self-indulgent. Because they are. Instead, the records will be, oh, I don’t know, a convenient prompt, and because this is Medium and I don’t feel any real tie to anything I’ve written before in my life, I can do this unencumbered by giving any shits. I’ve done this before, actually. I used to write for a beer column, but I didn’t really talk about how beer the tastes because seriously who the hell wants to read that stuff. So I probably wrote about fart jokes or beer coaster design or why beer people have become insufferable, and that’s probably why I don’t write for a beer column anymore.
  8. I am fully aware this is very self-indulgent.
  9. Hello. Welcome to me writing about records, but not really, once a day, for a full year, as a writing prompt that will be published here on Medium, a platform for wonderful ideas. And whatever I’m doing.
  10. I await my book deal.



Corey Vilhauer
Kallax 365

Writing prompts from 365 vinyl records • Contents probably rarely about records • I also write at and • Hello