DevStyle: Elevating Dev Excellence by Setting Coding Standards

David Cohen
Kaltura Technology
Published in
6 min readApr 8, 2024

Whether you find yourself navigating the vast expanse of code as a senior or junior developer or a coding enthusiast, this post is your guide into the world of coding standards. In this article, you’ll discover how it enhances individual proficiency and fosters a harmonious team environment.

For those taking on leadership roles, I will share tools to help you lead changes in coding practices so that you can steer your team toward a culture of excellence by implementing coding standards.

I will also equip you with practical tools to elevate your coding standards, all with relevant code examples.

So, if you want to improve your coding and achieve excellence through coding standards, this blog post is for you!

Code Harmony: Building a Foundation for Success

When I initially joined Kaltura, I became the team’s inaugural developer in the Virtual Events Department’s professional services unit, where the dynamics resembled those of a startup.

Over time, our team expanded to include full-stack, backend, and frontend developers at all levels, junior and senior, and I was promoted to full-stack tech lead.

Recognizing that we were at a pivotal juncture, I understood the need for proactive measures to ensure we could function well and be successful.

My vision was to cultivate a cohesive team environment characterized by knowledge sharing, mutual support, trust among team members, and, most importantly, the assurance that they could rely on me whenever needed.

What key areas did I prioritize to ensure success?

Consistency and Collaboration

believe this is one of the crucial factors in fostering successful teamwork.

Consistency ensures a harmonious structure that is not only pleasing to the eye but also enhances code readability. A shared language among team members streamlines communication and facilitates seamless collaboration.

Collaboration enables developers to work in tandem, share insights, and collectively elevate the quality of the codebase.

Code Maintainability and Scalability

When code is maintainable and scalable, teams can work more effectively and better support one another. How does this manifest?

In my team, I instill the understanding that when they write code, they also need to consider future implications. It speaks to the ease with which code can be understood, modified, and extended over time, encapsulating the concept of maintainability.

When you write code, consider that you will need to read it in the future. You want you or your team members to easily and quickly understand what the code is doing. They need to think of the code as a story that they can read fluently and understand.

Scalability allows codebases to grow organically and adapt to the increasing demands of expanding projects. I encourage my team to write generic code, as it enhances our ability to make changes or incorporate new requests with greater ease. Above all, I emphasize the crucial aspect of thinking outside of the box!

Coding Standards Implementation

Establishing coding standards was imperative for us to achieve the objectives I outlined above. With a multitude of coding standards accessible online or through prior knowledge, it’s essential to curate the ones you wish to implement. In this context, I’ll share some that we implemented, highlighting their valuable benefits.

Code Spacing Standards for Clarity and Readability

The visual presentation of code significantly impacts its readability at the most fundamental level. Consistent spacing allows developers to discern the logic and flow of a program at a glance. Moreover, code spacing standards foster a collaborative environment by providing a common visual language for team members.

Best Practices in Code Variable Standards

Good variable names are a form of documentation, making it easier for others to read and understand the code.

Principles for selecting an appropriate variable name include:

  • Ensuring the reader understands the role, context and type of variable. Figuring out the role of a variable can take a long time if there are no clues.
  • Not using the same variable for several different purposes.
  • Being unafraid to use a long name (but not too long). If you think it is needed, you can add a comment explaining the use of the variable.

Selecting Effective Function Names in Code

Selecting appropriate function names is crucial to writing clean and readable code. Here are some guidelines to consider when choosing function names:

  • Be descriptive — Opt for names that clearly describe the purpose or action of the function.
  • Use verbs for actions — Begin function names with verbs to indicate the action they perform.
  • Avoid ambiguity — Choose names that leave little room for interpretation. Ambiguous names can lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the function’s purpose.
  • Avoid abbreviations (unless standard) — They can make code less readable. Only use abbreviations that are widely accepted and understood within the context.

Refer to the previous example on variable standards.

Code Comments for Clarity and Collaboration

Code comments play a pivotal role in enhancing clarity and fostering collaboration within a development team. These serve as annotations within the source code, providing additional context, explanations, and insights into the code’s logic, structure, or purpose.

Code comments serve as indicators of the clarity and complexity of your code. If expressing your ideas in a comment proves difficult, it may indicate that the code is not as clear as it should be. This signals an opportunity to consider how to enhance and simplify the code structure.

Leading by Code: Putting Standards into Action

Understanding which concepts to implement is one aspect, but translating them into actions is a whole different challenge. This is how my team tackled the implementation:

Crafting Clear and Concise Documentation

After selecting coding standards, it’s crucial to create clear documentation with examples. This ensures everyone understands and follows the standards consistently, leading to higher code quality and smoother development processes.

Instilling Code Standards from Day One

Upon a new developer’s arrival, it’s imperative for them to grasp the team and leader’s vision right from day one. In my role as a tech lead, I find it crucial to assist them in swiftly aligning with our standards, ensuring a seamless integration. Above all, conveying my support and availability is paramount for their successful onboarding.

Efficient Code Reviews

Enforcing coding standards and facilitating a learning curve necessitates thorough code reviews. During these reviews, I don’t hesitate to suggest changes such as modifying variable names for clarity or enhancing readability with additional spaces or line breaks, even if they might seem minor at times. This approach also plays a crucial role in upholding the code harmony.

Code Standards Recap: Streamlining for Success

Reflecting on how we enhanced development excellence within my team, I am immensely proud of our accomplishments. Our collaboration is exceptional, and we built a strong foundation of trust.

Best of luck on your coding standards adventure! With the right prep and these insights, you’ve got this — may your code be bug-free and your coffee always hot! 🚀😄

