Shattering the Hamster Wheel: Leadership and Developer Ingenuity Reshape Cybersecurity

Sagiv Peer
Kaltura Technology
Published in
7 min readApr 21, 2024

As more and more companies realize today, securing products and offerings has transitioned from a question of “if” to “how”. Despite the growing emphasis on integrating security early in the software development lifecycle, the “Hamster Wheel” syndrome remains a pervasive challenge. This metaphor captures the reactive cycle of continuously addressing security flaws without tackling their root causes or improving the development process to prevent future issues, leading to inefficiency and a false sense of security.

Laying the Groundwork: Understanding the “Hamster Wheel”

In software development, a monotonous cycle seems almost inescapable — an endless loop of addressing security tickets. Much like a hamster tirelessly running on its wheel, developers often face the same security issues, patch vulnerabilities, and reinforce defenses, only to encounter similar problems shortly after. This repetitive process, aptly named the “Hamster Wheel,” drains developers of their energy and enthusiasm and hampers innovation by diverting valuable time and resources from creative problem-solving and product development.

Formulating an Escape: The Power of Developer Training in Cybersecurity

The key to breaking out of the “Hamster Wheel” lies in transforming developers from just code creators to security-conscious programmers. This shift can be achieved through comprehensive training in offensive security methods.
Organizations can significantly reduce vulnerabilities from the outset by equipping developers with knowledge and tools to incorporate security best practices into the initial software design and development stages.

Mobilizing Forces: Equipping Developers with Cutting-Edge Security Skills

Most developer training programs sum up with Secure Coding Practices or security frameworks that most teams don’t find accessible or, in the worst cases, won’t find at all.

A proactive approach empowers developers to create more secure software, reduces the workload of repetitive security fixes, and, ultimately, fosters a culture of security within the organization. This shift improves the security posture and enhances productivity and innovation by freeing developers from the endless cycle of patching old vulnerabilities.

However, the journey doesn’t stop with the decision to implement developer training; it extends into how we can sustainably scale these efforts across growing and evolving organizations. As application security teams grapple with the scalability of developer training, the necessity for a multifaceted approach becomes evident — one that leverages technology, culture, community, and innovation.

Kaltura’s Strategic Pivot: From Continuous Fixes to Proactive Defense

At the heart of Kaltura’s cybersecurity transformation lies a partnership that has redefined our approach to securing our digital ecosystem. This collaboration between me and Shai, our CISO has been pivotal in steering our initiatives from reactive measures to a proactive, educational forefront in cybersecurity. Together, we’ve embarked on a journey to dismantle the notorious “Hamster Wheel” of security vulnerabilities by embedding the ideas of awareness and community and combining those with developer training into the fabric of our organization.

Our dialogue wasn’t just an exchange of ideas but a blueprint for action.
Recognizing the importance of scalability in our cybersecurity efforts, we devised a comprehensive plan that could adapt and grow with Kaltura. This was built on automation, customization, community building, and continuous improvement, reflecting our joint vision for a secure, empowered future.

Cultivating Allies: Building a Security-First Culture Across the Board

Creating and nurturing a security-minded community at Kaltura has been a transformative step in advancing our cybersecurity posture. This initiative, championed by our leadership, and particularly by Shai, our CISO I mentioned above, has become a fundamental aspect of our cybersecurity strategy. It highlights the understanding that our defense’s strength lies in our technologies and significantly in our people.
This profound grasp of cybersecurity as an integral part of life and just an unachievable perfection concept was instrumental in identifying the necessity of a culture rooted in security awareness and engagement. “The essence of building a security community transcends mere knowledge sharing,” Shai pointed out. ‘It’s about fostering an environment where every team member feels an inherent responsibility and is empowered to contribute towards our collective security.”

This vision underpinned the launch of several initiatives that promote open dialogue, ongoing learning, and teamwork across the entirety of Kaltura, extending beyond the confines of technical roles.

Sustaining Freedom: Scaling Up for the Long Haul in Cybersecurity
The scalability of secure coding training programs hinges on several critical factors:

  • Resource allocation: The balance between the size of application security teams and the broader developer population is often skewed. Allocating sufficient resources to provide comprehensive training for all developers is a significant challenge.
  • Customization vs. standardization: While customized training can effectively address specific needs and vulnerabilities, it poses scalability challenges.
    Combining customized and standardized training elements may offer a more scalable solution, especially when using your security scanner results to understand your dev team’s blank spots; creating this tailormade suite will increase the training value as the participant’s interest in it increases.
  • Evolving technology and threats: The fast-paced evolution of technology and cyber threats requires training content to be regularly updated, posing additional scalability challenges.
  • Impact measurement: Ensuring training reaches and positively impacts all developers is crucial for scalability. Developing effective engagement and skill improvement metrics is necessary to assess and refine training programs continually.
  • Scaling cybersecurity training ensures that all developers, regardless of their project or location, receive the education they need to contribute effectively to the organization’s security posture. This requires commitment and creativity in addressing resource allocation challenges, training customization, keeping pace with technological evolution, and measuring the impact of training programs.

Organizations can scale their cybersecurity training initiatives by acknowledging these challenges and embracing strategic solutions. Utilizing online platforms for e-learning, fostering a culture of security awareness throughout the organization, empowering developer champions, and collaborating with external partners are all strategies that can contribute to the scalability of training efforts. These efforts ensure developers are equipped with the necessary skills and are motivated to apply them, thereby contributing to a more secure digital future.

While necessary, the path toward integrating comprehensive cybersecurity training is challenging. Yet, with thoughtful planning and execution, overcoming these obstacles is possible and essential for our digital world’s sustained security and success. The goal is clear: to build an environment where developers are continuously empowered to innovate securely, ensuring that the cycle of the “Hamster Wheel” is broken once and for all, leading to a more secure, productive, and innovative future in software development.

Victory in Sight: Measuring Success and Planning Next Moves

Our concerted efforts at Kaltura are unmistakably clear, with a dramatic decrease in new and recurring security vulnerabilities as solid proof of the effectiveness of our strategic approach. Yet, beyond these tangible successes lies a deeper, more profound transformation within our organizational ethos. Kaltura has undergone a cultural metamorphosis, embedding security consciousness into every facet of our development and operational processes. This evolution signifies a pivotal chapter in our cybersecurity journey.

The results of our endeavors have been strikingly positive. Across the board, Kaltura teams have embraced a proactive stance on security measures, signaling a fundamental shift in the company’s culture. Once seen as a barrier to progress or an afterthought, security has now been recognized as a cornerstone of our daily operations, a shared pillar among all employees. This shift towards a collective security responsibility has set Kaltura apart, offering a blueprint for how cybersecurity can become an intrinsic part of a company’s identity.

Our commitment to this dynamic, security-first culture remains unwavering as we look to the future. The initiative to embed security awareness deeply within our organizational fabric is not static; it is designed to grow, adapt, and strengthen in response to new cybersecurity challenges. By drawing on our workforce’s collective expertise and dedication, we are poised to navigate the complexities of the digital world, safeguarding Kaltura’s future with a robust, community-driven approach to cybersecurity.

Our journey at Kaltura — to transcend the pervasive “Hamster Wheel” of cybersecurity — fortified by our united partnership and meticulous strategic planning, epitomizes a proactive and scalable methodology for cybersecurity training. This approach, which emphasizes nurturing a security-conscious community and the perpetual refinement of our strategies, has established a new benchmark in cybersecurity excellence. It ensures that Kaltura’s digital ecosystem remains secure and thrives on innovation, staying ahead of the curve.

The prevalent “Hamster Wheel” challenge in cybersecurity is a crucial wake-up call for organizations to reassess their software development approaches. Through dedicated investment in developer training, companies can transform their most vulnerable points into their most vital assets, paving the way for a future where security is seamlessly integrated with development processes, resulting in safer and more secure software ecosystems.

