Kamari Monthly Report: May 2019

Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019

Greetings everyone,

At Kamari, we are building an ecosystem of lotteries and online gaming for over 1 billion people across Africa. With existing licenses across numerous countries, when Kamari is rolled-out and live we will have a potential customer base of over 200 million adult users across all of our products. Building a successful infrastructure and ecosystem is our mission and we are actively making progress towards our goals.

Moving forward, we will be publishing monthly progress reports on the first Monday of each month talking about all things Kamari.

The ‘Why’ Behind Kamari: The Incredible Blockchain Opportunity in Africa

Africa is poised to be one of the great growth regions in the world in the coming decade. As Africa’s population doubles to two billion over the next several decades, its GDP has been predicted to increase from $2 trillion today to $29 trillion in today’s money by 2050.

With one of the youngest populations in the world with two-thirds of their population under the age of 24, Africa is also home to the world’s fastest growing mobile market, with three quarters of the population owning a mobile device. Nearly half of these owners have a mobile subscription plan, as many use their mobile device as their primary (and only) connection to the internet.

With a growing population and expanding economy, Africa requires innovative solutions to overcome the hurdles that continue to plague governments across the continent. Enter: blockchain.

By incorporating blockchain technology into the modern infrastructure required to grow, Africa will be able to digitize information, create efficient management systems, increase transparency, build easy and universal payment systems and much more. With Kamari, we see creating multi-country lotteries, mobile and gaming networks that can unite people across borders and ultimately create public programs that improve the lives across the continent.

Chris Cleverly, our CEO, has made it his mission to help bring development mechanisms to Africa which can empower Africans to seize their own destiny. His journey on this mission began during the 1990s when he attended King’s Law College and became a barrister. After graduating, he founded the Trafalgar Chambers in the U.K., and became the youngest head of chambers in over a century. In 2005 he founded the Made In Africa Foundation, an organization he has guided to fulfill his dream of bringing systemic infrastructure change to Africa. To learn more about his visions with Kamari, check out nine questions for Chris Cleverly.

Where are We Now?

We’ve been working behind the scenes, building out our team and forging some incredible partnerships that will play a pivotal role in our project moving forward.

Towards the end of April we announced the first public partnership of Kamari with a fantastic project called Kinect with the goal of funding HIV Programs and support UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa. Together our two projects will be working towards building lottery programs that fund and ultimately increase awareness of HIV in local communities across Africa.

In the background, we are working hard to forge crucial partnerships with some of the biggest and most important blockchain projects and organizations in our space. We’ll share more as soon as we can.

To stay up to date, to ask questions, or to share comments make sure you connect us in one of our social channels:

Telegram Chat — https://t.me/KamariOfficial

Telegram ANN — https://t.me/KamariANN

Twitter — www.twitter.com/KamariCoin

Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/KamariCoin

Kamari in the News




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A new mobile payments cryptocurrency to unite one billion people across Africa in the first pan-African digital gaming platform.