Meet the Kambrian — Kelbel

Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2022

Time to introduce everyone to one of our newest Kambrians — Kelbel! Read on to get some good life advice and learn about his chaotic departure from Venice.

Where are you from?

I’m Brazilian and live in a city called Canoas, in Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state in Brazil.

What’s your role at Kambr?

I’m starting as a support analyst.

What was your path to Kambr?

Virginia Mellano reached out to me on LinkedIn, and after conversations with some Kambrians, I liked the company values and opportunities to grow together.

What’s something you want your colleagues to know about you?

I love pasta! Lasagna, pizza, calzone, etc. Want to see me happy, invite me to eat pasta.

What keeps you busy outside of work?

Yasmin, my 8-year-old daughter. How can children have so much energy?

What’s your superpower?

Keeping my mind focused during a stressful situation.

What makes you nervous?

A messy room.

What are you proud of?

My family and friends.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

“Each person learns at their own pace.”

This helped me to stop making the wrong comparisons, learn new things, and better help those who ask for it.

What’s one thing you love to do?

Reading a good book. When I have free time, I can spend hours reading.

What’s the last thing you Googled?

Information about a David Guetta concert that will take place in a nearby city in January 2023.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

I remember always saying to adults that I wanted to “build robots.” I loved taking my toys apart and creating something new with their parts.

What’s the most interesting (or unusual) job you’ve had?

My first job was the most unusual. It was at a car wash, and I started right in the winter!

What’s your favorite/dream destination to fly to?

My dream destination is London. I hope to visit for the first time soon.

What’s the airport you’ve been to the most?

GRU airport, in São Paulo, Brazil.

What’s your favorite aviation-related film?

Catch Me If You Can.

Window seat or aisle seat?

Window seat, it’s always beautiful to observe the landscape during landings and takeoffs.

Do you have any funny or weird flight stories?

During my first international flight (a business trip) I spent several hours scared at Venice airport.

It was a Friday night, and I was in a taxi going to VCE airport to take the flight back to Brazil when I decided to open my email and check my airline ticket. To my surprise, the company where I worked bought the return ticket for the wrong date, only for the next night.

There were a few hours of phone calls and waiting for an answer… stopped at the airport, full of equipment and with no money for one more night in a hotel. Until the company was able to buy a last-minute ticket for my return. A night of learnings for all! :)

