AI and Robotics: A New Playing Ground for Young Vietnamese Talent

Kambria @
Kambria Network
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2019

As part of the VietAI Summit 2019, Dr. Thuc Vu gave a presentation discussing the goals and success of Kambria’s recent hackathon series, the Vietnam AI Grand challenge.

In conjunction with the Vietnamese government, well-known organizations such as McKinsey, VietAI, and the Vietnam Innovation Network, Kambria delivered Vietnam AI Grand Challenge, a series of hackathons and educational workshops focused on AI and robotics.

Over 400 developers competed in the Grand Challenge, which launched the campaign of AI learning and development in Vietnam. The 4-month series brought together the country’s best talent and supported them with world-class resources, mentoring and incubation to create The Ultimate AI Virtual Assistant. The entire series included 10 workshops, 3 seminars, hackathons in 3 cities and 1 grand finale in Hanoi.

The competition has seen the development of many interesting AI projects, spanning across multiple industries including retail, healthcare and education. Dr. Thuc highlighted the winning projects and some interesting ones.

  • Team Voicebot was awarded $10,000 for its intelligent virtual switchboard which connects customers automatically with retailers.
  • Team YoungGRD built a linguistic education AI virtual assistant which culls news articles on the internet to automatically generate a comprehensive set of questions and answers.
  • Team FatherLife created a healthcare monitoring solution for the elderly. Deployed on the Ohmni robot, this AI chatbot can identify people and their emotions through the camera.

The success of this competition indicates not only a strong interest of young talents in AI, but also their readiness to venture out of their comfort zone and learn new concepts.

To access presentations and slides from VietAI Summit 2019, head over to Kambria’s Resource Library. The Resource Library can be accessed for free by community members who own KAT tokens. Simply register for the Kambria platform by clicking “Login/Register” in the top right-hand side of the screen. Then choose “Library” to access materials from the Summit.

About VietAI Summit 2019

More than 450 people attended VietAI Summit 2019, “AI for The Future,” organized by and Kambria. With a program featuring many reputable guest speakers from big tech companies such as Google Brain, Toyota Research Institute, Kambria, NVIDIA, VinAI Research, Vinbrain, Deakin University, and Vietnam National University HCMC, we received many fresh insights into the exciting state of AI research and application, not just in Vietnam, but also around the world. To receive an invitation to VietAI Summit 2020, Like the VietAI Facebook page and Like the Kambria Facebook page .

About Kambria

Kambria is the first blockchain project to build an open innovation platform for frontier technology. We are focusing first on the AI and Robotics vertical with the backing of our well-established robotics company, OhmniLabs. Through existing partnerships with top universities and large international corporations, as well as access to talented developers, we aim to build an ecosystem that can bring the next wave of frontier technology to provide value to billions of people around the world. Kambria — Accelerating Frontier Technology

Originally published at on December 4, 2019.



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