Great Tips On How To Promote Your Brand Online

Kameron Westcott
Kameron Westcott Blog
3 min readFeb 24, 2022

Promoting your brand on the world wide web seems easy enough for even the most inexperienced novices. You can easily post some content on social media or sign up for a paid advertising network and just wait for new leads to start showing up. Unfortunately, the reality of promoting your brand online is very different and requires a greater deal of time and effort to masterfully execute. Here are tips on how to do just that.

Learn How to Operate on Social Media

Like Facebook and Twitter, social media platforms are low-cost solutions to building a reputable brand. Sign up for a business account and a dedicated page for your business and start posting quality content, such as helpful DIY tips. You can also launch surveys and polls to collect consumer feedback that you can use to pivot your brand in the right direction. Although you can start promoting on social media for free, as you scale your business and you get more traffic, an experienced social media manager can be a worthwhile investment to maintain a consistent level of service to your customers.

Launch a Dedicated Website

If you don’t have one yet, get a dedicated website up and running. According to studies, more than 70 percent of small businesses have their own website. Not having a dedicated website for your brand hurts your ability to compete with other businesses within your niche. A business website offers many benefits, including the ability to instantly update your consumers about new products/services or upcoming events, cut operating costs that plague traditional direct-to-consumer businesses, and improve customer satisfaction through access to 24/7 customer support.

Optimize For Search Engines

Best SEO practices can boost your website’s placement on search engine results pages. Some SEO practices you can use for your website include writing a compelling title tag and meta description, choosing original images rather than stock photos, choosing the right file format for said images, and compressing said images so that your web pages load faster.

Utilize Your Website & Social Media Platforms On A Consistent Basis

Once you have created a dedicated website and social media platforms, it is important to continue utilizing them on a consistent basis. To help ensure you are using your online profiles, consider starting a monthly blog on your website that focuses on relevant news and trends within your industry. This can help with gaining more authority online and build a strong reputation within the industry you work in. You can also promote your content on your social media platforms, which can be a great way to increase awareness of your brand while also bringing in potential customers.

Become A Contributor For Online Publications

Another fantastic way to promote your monthly content is to become a contributor to popular online publications within your industry. This is a great way to continue building your credibility as an expert in your industry and increasing awareness of your professional background. If you make the decision to become an online contributor, it is important to continue writing content on a regular basis, as the more you can contribute, the better.

When promoting your brand online, know your target audience, which channels you should advertise on, and what content format and styles to use. In addition, identify what your desired outcomes are beforehand. This will help you determine the best route to take when marketing your brand.



Kameron Westcott
Kameron Westcott Blog

Kameron Westcott is a public figure most known for her time on The Real Housewives of Dallas. Learn more about her at!