The Importance Of Delegating As A Business Owner

Kameron Westcott
Kameron Westcott Blog
3 min readSep 23, 2022

When first starting as a business owner, you may have been given many different pieces of advice to be successful. From understanding how to manage employees to keeping your business moving in the right direction, there are several essential responsibilities that business owners must understand. One piece of advice many may not have realized is the significance of delegating as a business owner. It is a crucial step to take when looking to further grow your business and ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible. Below are some of the biggest reasons you should delegate as a business owner.

Ensures Quality Work

One of the most important reasons business owners should delegate is that it can help ensure that tasks are completed on time and are the quality you are looking for. You should delegate tasks to employees that are trained in the specific area and are capable of completing the task with little to no supervision. For example, if you have been in charge of overseeing billing efforts, it will be helpful to pass the tasks along to someone who specializes in billing and accounting. They will have the skills and tools needed to complete the task correctly and can help give you more time to focus on other important tasks.

Helps Save Time

When delegating tasks to other employees, you are not only helping to ensure it is completed correctly, but you are also saving time in your own schedule towards other important tasks. Because of your role as the business owner, you will be responsible for overseeing a variety of important tasks, and it is vital to ensure you have the time to complete them fully. By delegating tasks that other qualified employees can handle, you have more bandwidth to focus on the tasks that you manage. Additionally, having extra time can help ensure that you stay on top of any ongoing concerns, handle any issues that may arise, and step in when unexpected situations pop up.

Reduces Stress On Company

The concept of work-life balance has become an essential topic in recent years, and it is important to understand its impact on you as a business owner. By delegating tasks to other employees that are trained to complete them, you can help reduce the average number of tasks you handle each week, which can help reduce your overall stress levels as a result. Too much stress can significantly impact your ability to function as a business owner and can lead to increased stress levels, the risk of important tasks slipping through the cracks, and the risk of less time for your other responsibilities. By delegating tasks, you can help reduce these risks while also making your business run smoother and more efficiently.

Helps With Professional Development

As a business owner, delegating tasks for the first time can be unnerving, especially if you are typically involved in the process. While it can be difficult to delegate tasks in the beginning, it is crucial to get into the habit for the benefit of your employees. Assigning tasks important to the company to other employees provides them with a great opportunity to work on their professional development. They will not only get more experience with completing essential tasks but will become more accustomed to completing them promptly and accurately. The more opportunities that employees are presented with, the better chance that they will continue to improve their skills. This is a crucial point to consider, as it can also help improve employee retention as well.

It Allows For More Room For New Ideas

Because of the time that you save by delegating tasks, you will open up more opportunities to look at new business opportunities or ideas, handle an unexpected situation, or focus on increasing incentives for employees as a sign of appreciation. These various items can be crucial for bringing your business to the next level and should be completed whenever possible.

While it can be tempting to continue doing various tasks on your own, delegating them to qualified employees can help improve your work performance as a business owner and can help ensure long-term success.



Kameron Westcott
Kameron Westcott Blog

Kameron Westcott is a public figure most known for her time on The Real Housewives of Dallas. Learn more about her at!