A fresh look for KamPay

Dov Marcus
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

Best Regards!

Given all of the changes we’ve been through, including the relaunch of the KamPay token a few months back, we felt the time was right to update our brand to reflect the evolution of the project accurately.

And with this in mind, we enlisted the help of Jake Bourne and Veronica Costas from branding agency Between Collective. Through our collaboration with them, we’ve created an entirely new visual theme for KamPay.

We’re very excited to announce that as of today, all official KamPay channels, including our website, the social media platforms, and the KamPay liquidity pool, will be proudly flying the new KamPay colors.

KamPay is a collective made up of geographically dispersed contributors, but it has a singular geographic focus, and that’s Africa. The color of the clothing in Africa is vibrant, and it played a significant role in the formation of our new brand. Among the interpretations for the symbolized meanings are:

  • Yellow: wealth in several forms — namely high status, monetary wealth, and royalty, but also fertility and spiritual purity, beauty and preciousness — as in aspiring to be different with KamPay, swimming against the stream.
  • Red: sacrificial rites, bloodshed, and death, but also spiritual and political moods. Red also serves as a memorial and statue of honor for the historical victimization of the African continent.
  • Green: growth–both spiritual and also relating to the land, harvest, vegetation, and crops, which suits perfectly with our collaboration with Africa Grain & Seed to attempt to bring micro-lending access to millions of farmers.
  • Blue: love, harmony, togetherness and peace. Blue represents the community that is supporting our project and the incredible bonds of the team with our partners and collaborators.

The new design and brand identity will be applied on the KamPay website, on KamPay related gaming platforms, on the KamPay wallet, on the KamPay liquidity pool and in all the social media platforms including the upcoming press releases and paid promotion and collaborations.

KamPay is very happy with this rebranding process and we ask for a little patience and everything gets updated. Community feedback is welcome, click here to access the new brand guidelines.



Dov Marcus
Editor for

Dov Marcus Chief Operation Officer, KamPay