This Innovative Blockchain Project Now Allows You To Cash In On Your Fame!

And you thought 2021 couldn’t get weirder, huh!

Vikranth Kanumuru
5 min readSep 16, 2021


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Before blockchain, the only way you can mint money with actual value is to either contribute to war for a nation that impacts the very destiny of it or have a dictatorship throne like North Korea’s passed down in the family.

But with the advent of blockchain and a few extraordinary minds, you can now put a value on your social reputation!!

The value of someone’s coin should be correlated to that person’s standing in society.

For example, if Elon Musk succeeds in landing the first person on Mars, his coin price should theoretically go up. And if, in contrast, he makes a racial slur during a press conference, his coin price should theoretically go down.

Thus, people who believe in someone’s potential can buy their coin and succeed with them financially when that person realizes their potential. And traders can make money buying and selling the ups and downs.

— Diamond Hands

Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s first address the most important question if you are not exactly tech-savvy

What the heck is Blockchain?

Now unless you've just come out of a coma(Congrats!!) or been living under a rock, I am sure you've been tempted to buy some Bitcoin, Ethereum, or some other crypto with all the hype going on around them.

To put it in very simple terms, blockchain tech is what powers them.

To go into more detail, blockchain is a distributed database that keeps track of all transactions going on in the network. Once a certain number of transactions are recorded, they are clubbed together to form a block and then “mined”( Different protocols exist for mining, a popular one would be proof of work used by bitcoin)

This mined block is then added to a series of other “mined blocks” which other nodes in the network keep a copy of.

So, if someone wanted to tamper with an older transaction from an earlier block, they would have to change all the copies in the network which is not possible with existing computational power…..for now(Quantum Computing is coming!!)

If you would like to understand more about the inner working of a blockchain and or read more about the mining protocols, check out this article

“But…How exactly did you Mint Coins using Blockchain?!!”

“If this man says that I have to write code with some kind of programming language when I still am trying to find that value of x from math’s class or make some kind of hi-tech mining blockchain node that will cost me 1000’s of dollars, I am going to find this dude and strangle him till he meets his maker.” …..violent but probably what you are thinking.

Don’t worry, for the sake of both surviving a bit longer and to incentivize you for reading this article til here, I’ll show you an easy solution to mint your own coins and even show you how to increase their value by investing in them like stocks. What’s the point, you ask?


BitClout is a new type of social network that mixes speculation and social media, and it’s built from the ground up as its own custom blockchain. Its architecture is similar to Bitcoin, only it can support complex social network data like posts, profiles, follows, speculation features, and much more at significantly higher throughput and scale. Like Bitcoin, BitClout is a fully open-source project and there is no company behind it — it’s just coins and code.

Put into simpler words, it’s a blockchain version of Twitter that also has features like turning your posts into NFT’s, minting coins with your name on them thus essentially putting a $ sign beside your social status.

Your next question would be……

Why the Heck Would Someone Buy My Coins?

Great question and the answer is pretty simple too. The reason is the same as why someone would invest in a stock they think would rise.

Hear me out, say you invest in Kanlanc coins which currently have a dollar value of approximately 7$ per coin(thanks to everyone who believe in me!!), and because I will be continuously creating content in the coming future and branch out to other platforms, it will lead to an increase in investment in the coins by others thus raising its value and hence also increasing the returns of those who already invested before its rise in value.

Similarly, if you create just about anything in the world that provides value to others, you should definitely allow others who believe in you to invest in you.

Another thing you can provide to the buyer of your coins is exclusive content, members-only merchandise, one-one meetings with your true fans, and many more.

The sky is the limit!

“But What if I Only Like to Consume Content? Is this Platform not for Me?”

You are as important if not even more than a content creator, my friend.

As I’ve mentioned before, Bitclout is essentially a platform where you can invest in stocks except the stocks are creators. See where I’m going with this?

I love Tim Denning and I believe this man will rise to greater heights, so what do you think I did as soon as I learned he has a Bitclout account and his own coins?

I still pray to the gods every day that he be in good health and live longer. I believe this is one of the best ways you can support your favorite creators while also making money on the side.

The price for each coin keeps increasing as more people invest so You basically earn money while the Creators work!

Even Tim agrees(The ‘+’ was an accident I couldn’t correct),

Tweet to Tim Dennning
Tim Denning Twitter Reply

So, your next mission should you choose to accept it is to get on the platform and snatch your favorite writer/YouTuber/creator coins ASAP.

Grab em hot and cheap!!

Another thing to note is that after doing the math I realized that if you buy coins that are lower priced but have huge growth potential you will have significantly better returns on your investment when compared to investing in higher priced coins.

Links to Bitclout and Kanlanc Coins

Another thing I realized is that you don’t have to be a content creator or an investor to jump onto this platform. Other professions I believe will benefit from this platform are academics of different fields, open-source contributors because their research or contribution if succeeds in a breakthrough will lead to an investment in them thus essentially doing the same as content creators.

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Vikranth Kanumuru

A Curious Fellow in love with Technology — Featured in ABC Australia| 70K+ Views | 9 x Top Writer in Innovation and Startup —