How to Implement an AI and Machine Learning Strategy Without Spending a Dime.

Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

The coming Artificial Intelligence revolution will offer businesses and organizations an unprecedented opportunity to improve operations, reduce costs and create new products. This revolution will come with structural changes to the basic fundamentals of economics and social structures. Human inventions such as “jobs” and “income” will need to be redefined and new ways of distributing consumption “tokens” will need to take the place of “paychecks” and “income”.

A “Cooperative” is defined as a farm, business, or other organization that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits. This concept is at the core of The Kansas City Artificial Intelligence Cooperative and our mission to help distribute Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using education, open source learning and development. Our members devote their time to projects to help advance Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence outside of the current economic structures and limitations.

By using a free, open source approach to helping businesses develop Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications our organization is freed from outdated economic principles that limit our contributions and hinder the advancement of the field and the potential of the technology. Our program works in several ways:

  1. We offer access to a team of Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Scientists, Engineers and Developers at NO COST.
  2. We help businesses develop AI competencies in their organizations and they retain ALL the value.
  3. Our Open Source education and development platform insures we give back to society by helping build knowledge and skills for the future.

Our mission involves offering Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence development services to businesses and organizations at not cost to help speed the advancement of the technology and the structural improvements these technologies can bring to society.

If you’d like to find out more about our services or sign up to be part of our team, feel free to reach out to us by contacting Brian Curry through his LinkedIn profile.




A couple of decades in data and analytics mostly with Fortune 500 orgs plus 2 start-ups and founder of an AI lab