Patrick Riley
Kant Magazine
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2018


Floating clouds move around the park

“With eyes tipped upwards like a child. Two different sets of clouds stretched across the sky.

The way in which the air shifts around you differently here.

This brief period of time, suspended.” — Eloise Coomber

Left: Wiktor setting up the headphones for the next group Right: A comfortable place to relax and contemplate

Run by Wiktor and his Polish theatre company titled ‘Teatr Delikates’, which for those of you playing at home translates into Delicatessen, Teatr Delikates has the aim to create an atmosphere of comfortable levitation

Head in the cloud is a contemplative experience that lasts roughly twenty minutes and has an option for Danish and English narratives, both young and old.

The silent disco meets interactive self-theatrical play will momentarily reduce the pace of life in order for you to lose all of your inhibitions. This is great for someone like myself who can quite easily lose track of what’s ahead — this form of experience can help you see clearer.

Participants come together to form a circle

Wiktor’s soft voice emitting from your headphones will put you in a mesmerising place. From within the cloud you’ll catch a beautiful crafted tale enabling you to interact with strangers. It hypnotises, makes those who don’t usually dance, dance. One minute you are the leader of the pack, then in a blink of a moment you are the follower. You will wave, squat and form lines, all while learning about what the world is like, how you are part of it, and how much this depends on you.

Described by Wiktor as an encounter that can “take adults back to being a kid again”, this type of immersion can allow one to open up their mind, relieve stress and more freely realise your goals, and even your place in the world.

A pair of headphones lay waiting for the next cloud-person

Placing your head in the cloud allowed me to collect my thoughts and have the freedom of time to reflect on the past, present and future, think about new possibilities, adventures and channel a positivity moving forward.

Head in the cloud runs everyday for the remainder of Aarhus Festuge.

