The Kapiche Journey

Ryan Stuart
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2018


A typical customer story…

Recently I was faced with a pretty familiar situation. I wanted to change my home internet plan. How hard could it be? I have battle scars from previous experiences with the support line. Luckily for me, they also offer live chat. Perfect! 45 minutes and 3 “virtual” transfers later, and the person on the other end says I need to call the support line. I could feel my anger levels rising by the second. But then, the coup de grâce — the automated survey asking me to rate my experience. Seriously? So I’m meant to fill out this survey that no-one is ever going to read and that’s supposed to make me feel better? How is this acceptable in the modern age of technology!?

I can’t help but feel like this is pointless.

Short answer: it isn’t. Obviously it’s unrealistic to expect a company to interact with and action the concerns of every single customer — it just doesn’t scale. But the solution isn’t knowing how many times customers mentioned the term “price” each month in their feedback. That’s not “understanding your customers”. Customers are real people. And to make real people happy, they need to get the feeling you heard their concerns and are trying to address them. Unsurprisingly, a lot of concerns are shared by a large number of customers, you just need to find them.

Enabling Empathy

Kapiche is on a mission to understand, and empathise with people at scale using technology. In fact, that’s exactly what our current product does. We’re helping companies understand their customer feedback, act on it, and measure the impact of those actions. First step: Helping companies understand their customers using the surveys they send out (NPS, CSAT, etc.). But this is just the beginning.

Listening to customers in a meaningful way is clearly a major focus for most businesses. But this isn’t the only domain where the underlying issue exists. Can you remember a time where people have been more disenfranchised with politics and politicians? People seem to feel too small to make a difference or be heard. Sound familiar?

A Realistic Dream

Imagine a world where the opinion of every person was capable of being heard. Where “too much data” or “too many people” was no longer a valid excuse. Where the opinions of large groups of people could be studied and actioned effortlessly. That’s the type of world we want to live in — and we are passionate about making it possible.

Is this something you are also passionate about? Want to join us on this journey? Send us an email to or take a look our site:



Ryan Stuart
Editor for

Founder & CEO @KapicheOfficial, currently participating in @murudau.