What is Fluce Capital? Introducing the Ethical Crypto Fund

Ivan Mantelli
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2018

Enter the world of ethical crypto assets with Fluce Capital.

“Cryptocurrencies don’t just have to be speculative tokens detached from any real-world value. They don’t have to be coins magically created from nothing,” stated crypto writer Arthur Broke on Medium. The crypto specialist further mentions the rise of “thoughtful capitalism” implying that crypto finance can serve projects aligned with the social and philosophical values of our societies.

In that direction, the sphere of ethical crypto wealth management attracts more attention as investors and startups long for meaningful projects that bring value to our society. At the same time, to be of interest to investors, such projects need to represent an asset with high potential of return on investment from a financial point of view. Hence, token investing in ethical projects appears as a “win-win” game but requires specific knowledge of the market plus human and financial capital.

Fluce Capital is a wealth management platform managed by an international team of financial experts and banks that delivers ethical investment opportunities to emerging and sophisticated crypto investors. Fluce converges blockchain technology using a decentralized platform available for investors via a tokenized fund model. It is one of the best platforms today for the novice or experienced investors interested in ethical crypto assets.

The whitepaper summary provides an overview of Fluce Capital and Fluce ITO to be launched in the mid half of 2018.

Ethical Crypto Wealth Management

Ethical, green, sustainable and crypto assets available in the investment strategy of Fluce. Source: flucecapital.com

Investors can acquire various ethical crypto assets on Fluce, building up diversity in their portfolio. Ethical and green assets are disruptive across multiple industries from healthcare, recycling, education to innovative technology and medical solutions, with a high prospect of a return on investment. Investors interested in acquiring FLC Tokens will hold sought-after assets before everyone.

Benefits of holding FLC Tokens (Fluce Tokens)

Holding FLC Tokens provides the following benefits for investors:

  • Being part of the world’s first tokenized ethical fund which opens new investment opportunities with secure and liquid assets. New investors or experienced ones may enter the platform easily without high entry cost, making trading accessible to many. Token holders can further trade FLC Tokens with other investors in the Ethereum network, allowing investors to sell their FLC shares for instant liquidity.
  • Investing in a compliant token platform based on a value appreciation model and tangible asset backing with rewarding quarterly dividends based on performance. Investors can benefit from the latest technology with a secure platform that relies on Know Your Customer procedure (KYC) procedure and an outstanding financial model that focuses on rewards and limit risks for them.
  • Accessing a large network of cryptocurrencies from Fluce’s diversified investments via the First Guardian Asian Fund and Fluce Capital. Investors can access a diversified portfolio, meaning more opportunities to realize a profit or reduce risks.
  • Working in pair with professional, savvy investment fund managers who know their way around the versatile crypto market and can adjust their strategies. Investors have more chance to get a large return on investment with a solid reward system thanks to the knowledge of the team.
  • Enjoying clear reporting on the investments via Fluce’s user-friendly online dashboard, to understand how the market is evolving. Transparency is important for investors as they evolve in a fast-changing crypto market and need to understand how their portfolio is performing.

Investors should bear in mind that due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, Fluce’s portfolio may be exposed to volatility and fiat-crypto (FLC to USD for example) or crypto-crypto (FLC to BIT or ETH for example) exchange rate risk.

A smart dividend policy

Fluce Capital Dividend Policy reward investors instantly if a quarterly profit is made.

Fluce Capital’s dividend policy rewards investors smartly. If a quarterly profit is made, Fluce will pay dividends to token holders in ETH via a smart contract while giving access to dividends immediately. Investors can later choose when they wish to withdraw the funds.

Purchasing FLC Tokens

Fluce is planning a token issuance with a release process beginning in mid 2018 and continuing throughout the year. Investments will begin under Fluce Capital and the First Guardian Pan Asian Fund. Investors can look forward to a long-term investment strategy as Fluce will launch new investment opportunities, and expand the asset base. The development pipeline includes eventual asset tokenisation opportunities and advanced token products.

To learn more about the release date and procedure to participate in the FLC Tokens, please consult the whitepaper and flucecapital.com.

Originally published at Kapitalized.



Ivan Mantelli

ICO and Security Tokens Adviser and Commercial Strategy for Blockchain Ventures