Activities Report May 2018

Kapu Coin
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2018


In the aftermath of the ICO, KAPU and its team did not give enough information about their work and their meetings.

After the last internal meetings we decided to give a strong impulse to the communication both to the investors of the KAPU ecosystem (which will refer to the telegram group Kapu International and the Slack channel) and to the media and the archaeological research institutions, which they are showing a growing interest and for which press releases will be prepared for traditional communication channels.

To fulfill this task, figures in the tea have been identified that take responsibility for the management of communication processes both in the chat rooms and outside.

The administrators will be at your disposal for updates, clarifications and doubts.

The communication vehicles will be:

Medium —

Twitter —

Facebook —

Telegram —

Slack —

and as soon as possible we will provide:



P.S. The unspecified chats will be progressively abandoned


Following the positive attendance and presentation at the Quantitative and Computer Applications in Archaeology (CAA) conference hosted by the University of Tubingen, Germany (; the team has collected feedback from archaeologists and gauged interest in potential collaboration on the development of the project. The Kapu team has also been invited to present at the Twenty-first Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Resitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation (ICPRCP — 30 and 31 May, which will be held at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

The Team will present as part of a session focusing on contemporary challenges and developments concerning illicit trafficking of cultural property. This will be a great opportunity to collect further feedback from a different group of potential partners.


KAPU development side: working on

1. GraphDB vs Relational databases: pros and cons of both of them

2. storing data in KAPU blockchain vs Diana Blockchain

3. syntax/grammar for storing the data in the blockchain

4. Geotools plugin for archaeological blockchain

5. R&D: other systems for storing data in a distribuited/decentralized manner (BigChainDB, Ethereum Swarm, Cloudera, Filecoin, others…)

Currently, the Kapu project is looking for more developers to join the team and help us to meet our roadmap goals. Requested professional skills and expertise will be specified in a separate press release.


The main issue for the financial section now is to solve the issue for listing in HITBTC , announced also in a tweet of the exchange (, the listing did not happen within the expected time in these weeks we communicated profitably with the helpdesk unfortunately without yet arriving at a solution.
We consider HITBTC an extremely professional exchange and we are sure that we will reach a solution soon
At the same time we started the procedures for listing in 2 highly quoted exchanges, for which we can not reveal details in order not to run the risk that the procedure will be blocked (as indicated in the procedures signed), given the previous experiences will not be given dates until final announcement

Regard to a detailed report on the financial situation of Kapu’s funds, a Financial Report will be released next week

Team Kapu

