Marco Giannecchini
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2018

Kapu at “1st Meeting Legal Hackers Naples” — June 2018

The Kapu team has been invited to take part in the meeting organized by Legal Hackers Naples. Legal Hackers is an international organization of lawyers, tech professionals and academics who study new developments related to the relationship between law and new technologies. Interested in the Kapu project, the event organizers invited our CEO, Martino Merola, as speaker.

The Meeting

The main organizer, Avv. Raffaele Della Rotonda, introduces Legal Hackers Naples — Campania, followed by co-organizers Pierina Di Stefano and Salvatore Petrone, who focus respectively on the importance of the world of legal tech and the developments of blockchain technology.

After this interesting introduction, our CEO, Martino Merola, took the floor. The presentation of our idea of ​​blockchain applied to the archeology sector immediately aroused the interest of those present: in particular, they pay close attention not only to the purpose that the Kapu project intends to pursue, but also to the innovative “DpoS” system — adopted by the cryptocoin Kapu — used in place of the traditional ‘’ POW ‘’ system.

- Kapu Team -

