Report: UNESCO Conference!

Marco Giannecchini
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2018

On the 31st May 2018 the 21st session of ICPRCP (intergovernmental committee to promote the return of the cultural properties to the countries of origin or the restitution in case of illicit appropriation) took place at the headquarters of Unesco in Paris (France)


Everything starts at the beginning of 2018, when the team Kapu, subject of study and observation of the authority established by the United Nations, is officially invited to take part in ICPRCP in order to introduce the project with the related possible implementations in the protection of the archaeological heritage.


After receiving the convocation, the team Kapu sends a representation, led by the co-founder Mr. Giorgio Isola, who introduces the project during the meeting.


During the conference we are present non only at a debate among the different delegates (states, international associations, supranational agencies etc.) but also at the introduction of two more projects, which are not connected with the use of the blockchain.

The former is about the use of Facebook, introduced by Mr. Timothy Fagan, who shows us the implications of the marketplace present in the social network about the artistic/archaeological traffic.

The latter concerns the use of drones to identify the not-authorized digs in the archaeological areas and it is introduced by the Carabineers Service which is part of the Italian permanent delegation at UNSESCO.


The presentation is carried out by the co-founder, Mr. Giorgio Isola who, with the help of an interpreter, impeccably introduces the project.

It consists of a power point presentation of about 20 pages, which is reported within the 15 minutes at disposal of each delegate.

The co-founder, Mr. Giorgio Isola, after a brief historical reference to the coin “kapu” (of the ancient Capua) introduces the blockchain technology and highlights its specifications about safety, approval, immutability and transparency which are its foundation. He lingers over the comparison between the consensus systems POW (proof of work) of Bitcoin and DPOS (delegated proof of stake) of Kapu. During the conclusive and most important part of the presentation he explains how the use of blackchain can guarantee traceability over time of the finds and how this makes it more difficult to sell on the black market. In fact, greater sharing of data will allow any buyers to check further and increase their awareness, thus reducing the range of possible buyers. The co-founder explains that all this will be realized in a Dapp, called DIANA: technological core on which the advancement the Kapu project is concentrated.

Video of the conference


At the end of the conference there were compliments from various delegations; among them: the Italian delegation represented by prof. Tullio Scovazzi, lieutenant-colonel Mr. Giampietro Romano, permanent member of the Italian delegation at UNESCO and expert of the protection of the Arts at the headquarters of the Carabineers; a Russian delegation, a UNIDROIT representation (international institute for the unification of the private law) and many others.

There were also congratulations after an exchange of impressions of the administration of the ICPRCP commission.

The Kapu team leaves Paris at the end of the conference aware of being on track.

- Kapu Team -

