Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2018


In Securing Agreements with Major Global Refineries, Karatcoin Has Positioned Itself as the World’s Preeminent, Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency

Karatcoin is incredibly proud to announce that we have reached an agreement with a large European refinery to not only mint our mine-sourced gold (LMBA 999.99), but they will also store it in their global vaults in both Singapore and Switzerland. With this agreement, Karatcoin has the sufficient gold reserves to start minting our own Gold Tokens (KCG)!

I don’t think I need to tell any seasoned investor the importance of having vaults in both Switzerland and Singapore. Just as we are harnessing and integrating the strengths of precious metals and cryptocurrencies, we have strategically secured vaults in two of the most important banking and investment hubs in the world, which will ensure that Karatcoin will be integrated into both the European and Asian economies.

Karatcoin — 100g. 999,9 Fine Gold

Additionally, we will produce our collectible 100g. physical Karatcoin gold. These Karatcoin will initially be made available (free of charge) to those who reach the target set in the promotional campaigns that will be launched very soon, and which can then be subsequently purchased directly on the Karatcoin website or on our DApp.

Collectively, these agreements have positioned Karatcoin as the world’s leading, gold-backed cryptocurrency, with the global infrastructure needed to transform our investment platform and portfolio into one of the world’s most trusted and secure cryptocurrencies.

Karatcoin has always prided itself on adopting vertical integration into our business model. From our gold mines, to our storage vaults, to our KCG tokens, we take pride in offering our clients a secure and robust supply chain that will unleash both a revolution and a renaissance on to the global economy. We are seamlessly integrating the speed, liquidity, and revolutionary technological advancements that cryptos offer to modern investors with the trust, stability, and anti-inflationary store of value that gold has offered investors for thousands of years.

Would you liked to have been given the chance to invest into Bitcoin back in 2015? Well, you’re confronted with a very similar situation. The “feud” between admirers of precious metals and admirers of cryptocurrencies is a short-sighted and foolish one. As currency crises continue to plague the global economy, far-sighted cryptos will simply circumvent fiat currencies altogether and stabilize and anchor themselves on the two most trusted currencies in human history — gold and silver.

Karatcoin saw this trend long before the rest of the pack, and we’ve positioned ourselves as the undisputed global leader. We offer an outstanding portfolio of products and services that seamlessly integrate both of these assets into an investment platform that is destined revolutionize human commerce. For more information, visit us at https://karatcoin.co/




A platform to trade gold certificates, exchange Karatcoin tokens, as well as saving or exchanging money using gold cards in the decentralized world.