Michael Shawn Kirby
Published in
3 min readJul 23, 2018


Karatcoin Represents both a Renaissance and Revolution in International Currency

A barbarous relic? When merged with cryptos, a force to be reckoned with - a force that investors ignore at their own peril.

If you follow either the precious metal markets or the cryptocurrency markets, then I’m sure you’ve seen the bitter fights and feuds being waged between “Goldbugs” and “Cryptoheads.” As global financial and currency markets continue to deteriorate and become unstable, both camps are locked into the classic either/or logical fallacy where either precious metals or cryptos will emerge as the dominant international currency and store of wealth that investors will utilize to protect themselves.

In the eyes of the Goldbugs, cryptocurrencies represent “Tulip Mania” and will never be able to surpass gold and silver as either an international currency or an anti-inflationary store of value. While in the eyes of the crypto enthusiasts, gold represents a “barbarous relic” that could never match cryptos speed and liquidity as an international currency.

Both parties are “missing the forest from the trees” in regards to how international currencies will actually develop in the 21st century, especially as the Euro continues to falter, the American dollar is increasingly threatened as the world’s Global Reserve Currency, not to mention developing countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, and Iran are all suffering currency crises that could tank their economies.

Investors that realize that a currency that draws upon the strengths of both precious metals and cryptocurrencies will be the ones whose wealth will not only be preserved, but as a strategic investment, the ROI produced from a gold-backed cryptocurrency will be stratospheric as Goldbugs and Cryptoheads (along with hundreds of millions of panicked investors who naively ignored both precious metals and cryptos) collectively flock to currencies such as Karatcoin in order to protect and preserve their wealth.

Precious metal-backed cryptocurrencies are common sense, yet in regards to investing opportunities, common sense hasn’t become so common yet. Karatcoin synthesizes the speed, liquidity, transparency, and portability of cryptocurrencies with the trust, stability, and store of value that gold has wielded over the global economy for thousands of years.

Do not be suckered into the false debate currently being waged between precious metal enthusiasts and cryptocurrency advocates. Instead, recognize how brilliantly each of these assets complement and strengthen one another. Gold gives cryptos an anchored stability and store of value grounded upon thousands of years of global use, while cryptos provide gold with the speed, liquidity, and technological innovation needed to finally liberate it from a global economy dominated by faltering fiat currencies.

Above all, we encourage our investors to recognize that the global currency market is about to go through both a revolution and a renaissance, and coins such as Karatcoin will naturally become both a market leader and industry standard because we source our gold directly from our goldmines.

We offer our investors outstanding opportunities to both preserve and build their wealth through a portfolio of products and services that maximize the advantages that both gold and cryptos offer as assets, commodities, and currencies. Come visit us at https://karatcoin.co/ for more information.



Michael Shawn Kirby

Fulbright Scholar, Peace Corps Volunteer, as well as a Freelance Writer and Editor focusing in International Development, Cryptos, and Precious Metals.