When It Comes to Gold Investments, Europeans Should Be Mindful of What’s Taking Place in Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, France, and Russia.

Michael Shawn Kirby
Published in
8 min readAug 3, 2018
50% of German want to return to the Deutschmark, and growing nationalist pressure has alsovforced the government to repatriate their gold from America, Britain, and France.

As the European Union continues to falter, and as populist movements continue to spread across Europe like wildfire, a popular meme has emerged that paints Germany as holding the entire continent hostage in order to maintain the tyranny of the European Union.

Europeans would be wise to ignore this narrative and instead focus on what’s actually taking place within Germany. Nearly 50% of German want to return to the Deutschmark, with only 41% wanting to stay with the Euro. Indeed, rather than cashing them in, Germans have privately squirreled away billions in old Deutschmarks as a hedge against a collapsing Euro.

Hoarding old currency isn’t the only way that Germans are preparing for a Euro collapse. While a lot of media attention has focused on Russia and China purchasing gold like mad men in order to protect themselves from a faltering dollar, it’s often times overlooked that Germany actually has the second largest gold reserves in the world. The average German also owns around 117 grams of gold, and when gold-backed securities are included, the average German citizen owns roughly 6,000 Euros worth of the precious metal.

While it has been intentionally ignored and downplayed by the international press, intense public pressure from the German citizenry (especially the growing nationalist party AfD (Alternative for Deutschland)) has also forced the German government to start repatriating its gold reserves from America, Britain, and France in a clear indication that the Germans are starting to lose faith in the Anglo-American Banking Establishment.

This is what keeps a Brussels’ Bureaucrat awake at night.

Nor are they alone. Austria has also started repatriating it’s gold from the Bank of England, and as a slap across the face to the British banking system, much of it is simply being moved to Switzerland because they’re deemed to be more neutral and trustworthy than the English. The Netherlands also quietly and very stealthily repatriated over 120 tons of gold from the American Federal Reserve before publicly announcing it, while Turkey has also repatriated 220 tons of gold from the American Fed.

Slowly, methodically, and strategically, a silent revolution is taking place, where smart countries are beginning to move the necessary chess pieces into place in order to protect themselves from systemic collapse. But caution and paying lip service to the faltering fiat system is absolutely vital. A country that’s too flamboyant with it’s gold can end up getting it’s leader killed, its country destroyed, and its gold stolen for good measure. Just ask Libya and Muammar Gaddafi.

I’m sure many Americans and Europeans are still scratching their heads when trying to figure out the motivations for the Libyan War. After all, Gaddafi was slowly coming in out of the cold and reconciling with the West. He had given up his nuclear and chemical weapons programs and allowed international inspectors into the country. He had offered to pay nearly $3 billion in reparations to the families who lost loved ones in the Pan Am 103 and UTA Flight 772 bombings. He was working with Europe to help crack down on illegal African immigration to Europe (which has skyrocketed since his regime was destroyed), and a new era of cooperation was declared when the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visited Libya in 2008. In Rice’s own words:

This demonstrates that the U.S. doesn’t have permanent enemies. It demonstrates that when countries are prepared to make strategic changes in direction, the United States is prepared to respond…This trip is acknowledging how far the U.S.-Libya relationship has come, but it is the beginning and not the end of the story.

If anything, toppling Gaddafi’s government and killing him, especially under the premise that it was part of the “War on Terror,” actually ended up encouraging and creating more terrorism. Not simply from the Islamic radicals that are now tearing the country apart, but any other strong man that might have sought reconciliation with the West observed Gaddafi’s demise (he was anally sodomized before being put out of his misery) and realized that it simply isn’t worth it. Indeed, many might perceive him as a naive fool, especially in dismantling his nuclear and chemical weapons programs, which might have served as a deterrent against invasion had he been able to develop nuclear weapons.

However, the Libyan War makes perfect sense when you remember that Gaddafi was also a staunch pan-Africanist that wanted to use his substantial gold reserves (143 tons) to create a gold-backed Dinar currency that the entire continent could use. He also wanted to stop selling his oil in American dollars and instead demand gold as payment.

Such ambitions not only threatened the American Dollar (which has reigned supreme as the global petrol currency since the Nixon Administration), it also threatened the CFA Franc, which is widely used in both Western and Central Africa, and which is backed by the French government.

Should we act stunned and flabbergasted that the two countries that screamed the loudest for war against Libya were America and France? In case you are actually stunned, released emails from the American State Department confirmed that one of the primary reasons French President Nicolas Sarkozy wanted war with Libya was that he feared a gold-backed Dinar would displace the fiat-backed CFA Franc as the primary currency for Western Africa.

Killed as part of the War on Terror? More like the War on Gold.

Resurrecting the gold standard is a dangerous business, especially when squaring off against a faltering financial establishment that’s movitavated as much by blind desperation as they are rapacious greed. We go back to the narrative of the Germans being the nefarious backbone of an EU tyranny that’s holding the continent hostage, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the Germans are slowly and strategically positioning themselves in preparation for the inevitable collapse of the Euro, which is causing a panic amongst the hybrid corporate/bureaucratic elite who benefit the most from the faltering fiat-based system.

In regards to France, it is perhaps karmic justice that destroying Gaddafi’s regime opened the floodgates of illegal immigration (something that Gaddafi prophetically warned them about). Antonio Tajani, the President of the European Parliament, has warned that millions of African illegal immigrants will flood into Europe over the next five years, with countries such as France being ground zero. Those illegal immigrants will simply accelerate the collapse of the French welfare state (which is already hemorrhaging and stretched to the breaking point) which in turn will inevitably destroy the very system that Sarkozy was seeking to protect with the Libyan War. Gadaffi will end up having the last laugh.

As for the Americans, their involvement in the Libyan War also helps to highlight why the American elite are frothing at the mouth for a war with Russia. Not only did Russia surpass China earlier this year to become the 5th largest gold holder in the world, they also have the additional benefit of being the third largest gold producer in the world as well.

Neither the Russians or the Chinese are unapologetic about publicly acknowledging their gold reserves, as well as labeling those as strategic monetary assets. Yet because the American Dollar is the Global Reserve Currency, this is a term that both the Federal Reserve and American banks avoid like the bubonic plague…but it has also unwittingly painted them into a corner and allowed both Russia and China to put the United States into a currency checkmate.

UBS, HSBC, and Deutsche Bank have already been caught rigging and suppressing the gold and silver markets in order to prop-up the faltering fiat system, and the artificial suppression of precious metals, coupled with their steadfast refusal of acknowledging gold and silver as strategic monetary assets, has collectively allowed the Russians and Chinese to scoop up and stockpile both metals at bargain basement prices.

And there isn’t a thing the American banking elite can do about it. Any attempts to reverse course and start matching the Russians and Chinese in precious metal purchases risks spooking the markets and setting off a massive currency crisis (a crisis that will be further amplified through reckless policies such as Quantitative Easing and massive currency debasement).

When sizing up the precarious position that the Western banking elite have created for themselves, one cannot help but think of the famous quote from Sir Walter Scott — Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

There’s an old saying in law enforcement that if your looking for the motive behind a crime, follow the money. If European investors want to make since of the growing chaos on the continent, then follow the gold, because it gives you a very clear picture of what is actually going on in European politics.

Are you looking for the reason why Angela Merkel is increasingly coming across as unhinged, autocratic, and irrational? It might have something to do with the fact that half of her countrymen want to abandon the Euro and return to the Deutschmark, as well as the likelihood that they’ll utilize their massive gold reserves to ensure that it’s a gold-backed Deutschmark as well. Such a movement that demands national financial sovereignty would be a death blow for both Brussels and the European Union.

Are you looking for the real reason behind the Libyan War? Gaddafi’s desire for a gold-backed Dinar, as well as his desire to abandon the petrodollar and only accept gold as payment for Libyan oil, threatened both the American and French fiat systems. He had to be taken out.

Are you looking for the real reason for the growing animosity between America and Russia? The American banking elite have painted themselves into a corner when it comes to acknowledging gold’s real value, and the Russians are exploiting it brilliantly while reducing their dependency on the American Dollar.

Mixing blind desperation and voracious greed creates both a toxic and dangerous mixture, and the only way it can be defeated is through European investors recognizing that the global economy is about to undergo both a revolution and a renaissance, and gold-backed cryptocurrencies such as Karatcoin represent the “tip of the spear” in regards to this movement. For more information on our investment portfolio, visit us at https://karatcoin.co/





















Michael Shawn Kirby

Fulbright Scholar, Peace Corps Volunteer, as well as a Freelance Writer and Editor focusing in International Development, Cryptos, and Precious Metals.