Michael Shawn Kirby
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2018


Why Baby Boomers Should Protect Their Retirement Nest Eggs by Utilizing Karatcoin

How should Baby Boomers protect themselves against growing market volatility? Hope for the best, expect the worst.

When it comes to preserving the nest egg that you have spent decades building, the threats that retiring Baby Boomers face from both corporate and governmental forces are both multifaceted and mutually intertwined.

For instance, while the “official” U.S. debt is $21 trillion, when you incorporate unfunded liabilities (promises politicians have made to constituents without even checking whether the money will be there) the real debt is hovering around $210 trillion.

Says who? Says Forbes Magazine, and I would strongly encourage any Baby Boomer to read the well-researched and insightful article that John Mauldin wrote for Forbes, because it casts serious doubt on whether programs such as Social Security and Medicaid are merely smoke and mirrors when it comes to their long-term viability (especially when depending on them during your retirement).

Mauldin’s article also points out another problem that retirees should contemplate when mapping-out their retirements. Local, State, and Federal Pension Programs are underfunded by trillions of dollars (as are many private sector pensions), and even worse, much of their current wealth and solvency is derived from massive investments into the stock market. If the stock market where to ever suffer another recession or depression (it will), it effectively detonates two bombs simultaneously. The first would be wiping out a retiree’s 401K and stock portfolio, while the second would be forcing many private and public pensions into insolvency and bankruptcy.

Retirees should also consider the fact that American investors, because of the geographic buffers provided by the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, are often considered to be highly “insulated” from global political trends, and that they also suffer from what many psychologists call “normalcy bias.”

Where do both of these problems synchronize when it comes to protecting your retirement? The belief that the American Dollar will always be the world’s Global Reserve Currency, which (whether Americans are conscious of it or not), provides a layer of “larded wealth” when it comes to our standard of living.

Well, both China and Russia are stacking precious metals (especially gold) like mad men, and the threat of a country like China creating a gold-backed Yuan (coupled with their Silk Road Initiative which seeks trade dominance in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe) means the American Dollar’s dominance is not guaranteed.

This is especially true (and it is a very ominous trend that most American investors have ignored) considering countries such as Venezuela, The Netherlands, Germany, and Turkey have all withdrawn their gold reserves from the American Federal Reserve (Austria has also repatriated its gold from the Bank of England).

This is not a good sign. In fact, it is a very clear indication that the global financial community is losing confidence in both the American Banking System, as well as the Anglo-American Financial Establishment.

Then of course you have cryptocurrencies, and in addition to it’s swelling gold reserves, countries such as Russia are already contemplating an Ethereum-backed Ruble, with none other than Vladimir Putin expressing interesting in the idea. In terms of their global adoption, cryptocurrencies are still in the “convulsion stage” of being integrated into the global economy, where government regulators (including the Russians themselves) have an almost “schizophrenic” attitude in regards to either promoting or banning them.

China, South Korea, and of course America also nurture this attitude towards cryptocurrencies, which is in large part created by investors recognizing the massive transformations cryptos are about to unleash upon the global economy, but those transformations are naturally pitted against entrenched banking, financing, and regulatory interests who also realize a decentralized economic and monetary system will be absolutely ruinous to their personal power and business models.

But you can’t stop an avalanche, especially considering that policies such as Quantitative Easing (which American and European Central Banks know will eventually create hyper-inflation through rampant currency debasement) risks devouring the personal savings and retirement plans of their citizens. Even more ominous for the global financial system (and it is a point that banks have recognized, but which many citizens have yet to realize), cryptos will eventually circumvent national fiat currencies in their entirety and instead be traded directly for precious metals.

I cannot stress this point enough to someone planning their retirement. The future of global currency will be grounded upon both a revolution and a renaissance. As fiat currencies falter and begin to implode because of the disastrous decisions central planners have made over the past several decades, cryptocurrencies will simply circumvent the fiat system entirely and will instead be directly traded for gold and silver, both of which have been utilized as both currencies and anti-inflationary stores of value for thousands of years before fiat currencies showed up (and which will be used long after the fiat system collapses and implodes).

This is why gold-backed cryptocurrencies such as Kartcoin will inevitably flourish and rise to the top of the crypto market They synthesize the speed, liquidity, and technological advancements that cryptocurrencies offer with the anchored trust and anti-inflationary store of value that gold has offered for thousands of years.

Karatcoin offers a comprehensive portfolio of products and services that all retirees should invest into when looking to protect your nest egg and life savings against the gathering storms on the horizon. For more information, visit https://karatcoin.co/






Michael Shawn Kirby

Fulbright Scholar, Peace Corps Volunteer, as well as a Freelance Writer and Editor focusing in International Development, Cryptos, and Precious Metals.