Why Should You Invest in Karatcoin?

Michael Shawn Kirby
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2018

Look to the Currency Crises in Venezuela, Iran, Argentina, and Turkey for the Answer.

It’s actually a pretty simple equation when assessing the American Dollar. Normalcy Bias + Quantitative Easing + Potential Loss of Global Currency Reserve Status = Massive Investment in Wheelbarrows in Order to Cart Around Your “Wealth”

What do the Venezuelan, Argentinian, Turkish, and Iranian currency crises have in common? When the crises struck, the citizens of all four countries immediately looked to cryptocurrencies as a means of protecting and preserving their wealth against both hyper-inflation and predatory governments.

As The Economist points out, with the Bolivar losing over 99.9% of its value over the past two years, Venezuelans have flocked to mining cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, and Venezuela’s President, Nicolas Maduro, has responded to his country’s economic crisis by trying to create a petroleum-backed cryptocurrency known as the Petro.

In Iran, the Riad has lost one-third of it’s value this year, and how have Iranians responded? By pumping billions into cryptocurrencies as a means of protecting and preserving their wealth. As www.bitcoin.com has reported, the Iranian government has responded to their people’s new found love of cryptocurrencies by fiercely cracking down on them….while simultaneously advocating that Iran (much like Venezuela) creates its own state-backed cryptocurrency.

We should expect this strategy to become much more common, and it should always be remembered whenever you hear a governmental official or financial expert speak ill of cryptocurrencies (especially if that expert is employed by a regulatory agency). We’re in the “convulsion stage” when it comes to the integration of cryptos into the global marketplace, where governments recognize the enormous impact cryptos are going to have on the global economy, yet they’re still trying to find a way to control and monopolize their impact (it won’t work).

But not all government’s view private cryptocurrencies as a threat. In Argentina (a country that is unfortunately famous for currency crises) a faltering Peso helped convince the Central Bank of Argentina to give permission for the installation of 4,000 private crypto ATM machines throughout the country. It should also be noted that the final goal of this program will be the installation of no less than 30,000 ATMs that will allow their citizens to exchange Argentinian Pesos for Bitcoin, Ethereum, as well as Litecoin.

Much like Turkey and Venezuela, the Turkish government’s desire to create a cryptocurrency called Turkcoin is in part grounded upon the fear that President Erdogan’s trade and fiscal policies over the past decade could spark a currency crisis that could devastate the country and plunge it into chaos. Moody’s already lowered Turkey’s credit rating into junk territory in March of this year, and recent threats in June by Moody’s to downgrade them even further could cause yet another cryptocurrency run as Turks flee the Lira and look for safety.

Yet while the global market is very clearly telling investors that cryptocurrencies are increasingly playing an important role in helping citizens protect their wealth from predatory governments, reckless state spending, and faltering currencies, we should also remember that not all cryptocurrencies are created equal, and when it comes to choosing a coin that could not only protect your wealth, but which could also be used as a strategic investment that will pay a handsome ROI, Karatcoin stands out from the pack.

The “debate” between whether an investor should invest into either precious metals or cryptocurrencies is a foolish one, and the future belongs to those investors that recognize that the global economy is about to undergo both a revolution and a renaissance. Karatcoin seamlessly synthesizes the trust, stability, and anti-inflationary store of value that gold has provided for thousands of years with the speed, liquidity, and technological innovation that crypto assets provide.

Karatcoin provides its investors with a comprehensive portfolio of products and services that can help you to both protect and expand your wealth against the growing instabilities in the global markets. If you’d like to learn more, then please visit us at https://karatcoin.co/







Michael Shawn Kirby

Fulbright Scholar, Peace Corps Volunteer, as well as a Freelance Writer and Editor focusing in International Development, Cryptos, and Precious Metals.