1,000,000 KAI for Testnet “Fengari” bug bounty!

Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2020

Dear Kardians,

The public testnet “Fengari” opens up an opportunity for our users and partners around the world to interact with the world’s first non-invasive interoperable blockchain platform. Our developers will use the feedback collected from this open testing environment to improve the user experience, performance and security. For this exciting occasion, we would like to bring to our devoted community members a series of Testnet Bounty with a massive prize pool of 1,000,000 KAI.

Read more about our Testnet Fengari:

The complete user guide for KardiaChain Wallet and Explorer is available HERE.

Important! DO NOT send real KAI to KardiaChain Testnet. KAI in testnet is for testing purpose only, doesn't have monetary value. You will be responsible for all your lost if you accidentally send KAI to Testnet.

Please refer your friends to earn more rewards! Feel free to join our KardiaChain Developer Community: https://t.me/KAIdevcom, this is the group for celebrating our Testnet Fengari 3.0 and kickoff when Bug bounty program goes live today on 18 Nov. Members are Kardians and blockchain technology geeks. We’re getting ready to mainnet. Feel free to invite friends you think would be interested in KAI tech.

Bug bounty form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ryIRaYJJM1_ZHkjttrPkGkxl-GB6hP7Q10TuE0ncIeQ

Main chat: @kardiachain | News channel: @kardiachainofficial

Here is a step-by-step guide for participating in the testnet “Fengari” Bug bounty campaign:

1. Testnet “Fengari” — Participation in testing of Wallet and Explorer (150 KAI)

Step 1: Go to https://explorer.kardiachain.io

Step 2: Register your KAI wallet address on our Bug Bounty Campaign Form.

Step 3: Chat on our social media (Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, etc..) to find another user with a registered KardiaChain wallet and arrange with that user to send each other some KAIs (e.g. you send him/her 10 KAI and he/she sends you 10 KAI).

Step 4: Submit the transaction hash of your transaction to the other user on our Bounty Campaign Form.

2. Telegram: 150 KAI

Step 1: Join KardiaChain official telegram chat and KardiaChain news channel

Step 2: Comment and give your feedback/opinion on our public testnet “Fengari”. (Right click to your message and choose “Copy message link”)

Step 3: Submit your telegram username into our Bounty Campaign Form.

3. Twitter: 150 KAI

Step 1: Follow us on Twitter.

Step 2: Retweet/comment on our Testnet “Fengari” Goes Live Announcement https://twitter.com/KardiaChain/status/1328319591525752832 ang tag 2 friends

Step 3: Submit the link of your tweet to our Bounty Campaign Form.

4. Facebook: 150 KAI

Step 1: Follow us on Facebook.

Step 2: Like and Comment/Share our Testnet “Fengari” Goes Live Announcement and tag 2 friends: https://www.facebook.com/KardiaChain/posts/1142784989511341.

Step 3: Submit the link to your share/comment to our Bounty Campaign Form.

5. Reddit: 100 KAI

Step 1: Follow our Reddit page r/KardiaChain.

Step 2: Upvote and comment below Testnet “Fengari” Goes Live Announcement and submit your comment to our Bounty Campaign Form: https://www.reddit.com/r/KardiaChain/comments/jw5aef/kardiachain_testnet_fengari_30_is_live_this_is/

6. Discord: 100 KAI

Step 1: Join our Discord and comment about Testnet Fengari 3.0 https://discord.gg/7vuZKGHyZE

Step 2: Submit your Message link to Bounty Campaign Form (Right click to your message and choose “Copy message link”)

7. LinkedIn: 100 KAI

Step 1: Follow our LinkedIn, like and comment about Testnet Fengari 3.0 https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6734374078305579008

Step 2: Submit your Message link to Bounty Campaign Form (Right click to your message and choose “Copy message link”)

8. Medium: 100 KAI

Step 1: Follow our Medium https://kardiachain.medium.com/, clap and comment about Testnet Fengari 3.0 below this article: https://medium.com/kardiachain/the-last-testnet-goes-live-final-step-toward-mainnet-94a3182fdad0

Step 2: Submit your username to our Bounty Campaign Form


Fill in all your information and Report any issues you find on our public testnet to our Bounty Campaign Form

Based on the Bug report quality:

Great: 800 KAI

Good: 400 KAI

Fair: 200 KAI

Low: 100 KAI

Bug of particular importance are subject to change in the rewards (if it is of great value to our developers).

If the bug report is meaningless, there will be no rewards.

10. Referral Bounty

Step 1: Submit your Telegram username to our Bounty Campaign Form.

Step 2: When your friend joins our campaign, make sure he/she inputs your Telegram username to our Bounty Campaign Form, otherwise you will not get the rewards for your referrals.

You can join our social channels to interact with other users for sending transactions if needed: Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, LinkedIn

For each new referral, you will earn 50 KAI, maximum of 1000 KAI.

11. Fengari Picture: 150 KAI

Step 1: Take a photo with Testnet “Fengari” screen and post it to your social media sites or send it to t.me/kardiachain

You can take photo with your laptop screen (not a screenshot)/ or selfie with your mobile phone with any testnet screens. e.g. A photo with your laptop, next to a coffee cup or a selfie with your phone screen of the KAI testnet you have.

Step 2: Submit your photo link to Bounty campaign form. For example, if you send your photo to Telegram, please submit Telegram message link of your photo.

For any questions regarding the KardiaChain Testnet “Fengari” or the bounty campaign, Contact us via our telegram channels t.me/kardiachain.

Please read more details on the Technical report HERE.

Meanwhile, show your support and spread the words — apply this frame to your social media profile! www.facebook.com/profilepicframes/?selected_overlay_id=284955979510392

Thank you,


Official Telegram :

@kardiachain |Twitter | Medium | Reddit | LinkedIn | Facebook

*KardiaChain reserves the rights to have the final interpretation of rules and results of the campaign. Any suspicious behavior will result in disqualification.




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