DappBirds — KardiaChain AMA Recap (Bilingual)

Published in
19 min readMay 9, 2020


Hello Kardians, we conducted another AMA session in WeChat between KardiaChain <> DappBirds — DappOS!

Our CEO Tri Pham joined the AMA and answer any concern you may have in English, and the moderator translated it to Chinese.

Tri Pham, CEO and Co-founder KardiaChain

Tri Pham,KardiaChain首席执行官兼联合创始人

Tri is a Tech Startup founder and advisor in London with over 10 years of entrepreneurship experience in multiple sectors such as mobile app, finance, and services. He focuses his business on bringing cutting-edge technologies to the masses.


✔️Introduction with KardiaChain :�

Q1. Can you introduce what is Kardiachain about?

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Tri Pham:

We are a public blockchain platform focuses on Interoperability and providing hybrid blockchain solution/infrastructure for enterprises and governments in Vietnam and other countries in South & East Asia.

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We are working with major services providers (enterprises and government) to decentralise their existing solutions. Our approach helps KardiaChain reach millions of users without the immense cost of educating the market.

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Our Dual Node technology allows cross-chain communications between any public and/or private blockchain regardless of protocol. This provides easy-to-adopt solutions for institutional clients.

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KardiaChain is undoubtedly leading the race towards blockchain mass adoption in Vietnam, to read more about us please check out this link:


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What are Kardiachain’s main goals in 2020?

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Tri Pham:

Our main goals will be launching successfully multiple products and services that we have been building with our partners over the last year. Also, gaining a big market share in terms of users, we are looking at 1 million KAI holders by the end of 2020.

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Q3. Can you shed some light on the token velocity?

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问题3.你能给大家描述一下你们的token velocity?

Tri Pham:

Sure. KAI is mainly used to pay for transaction fee, staking and deploying smart contracts. It is not a currency so the velocity is not that high, token value should be steadily increased, will not be stable like a currency. We aim to have users holding on KAI to use services instead of using KAI to purchase things.

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当然。 KAI主要用于支付交易费,抵押和部署智能合约。 它不是货币,所以速度不那么高,令牌值应该稳定增加,不会像货币一样稳定。 我们旨在让持有KAI的用户使用服务而不是使用KAI来购买商品。

Q4. How involved is Kardiachain with the government?

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Tri Pham:

KardiaChain works closely with the Vietnamese government. We have active and former government officials in our advisor board. We work with several government bodies on applying blockchain to existing and new . We involve in multiple discussion with government on blockchain/token/crypto policies and legal frameworks in Vietnam. I will go into details:

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KardiaChain与越南政府紧密合作。 我们的顾问委员会中有现任和前任政府官员。 我们与多个政府机构合作,将区块链应用于现有和新的区块链。 我们与政府就越南的区块链/令牌/密码政策和法律框架进行了多次讨论。我将详细介绍:

1. List of Government officials as our advisors:

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Dr. Manh Rinh Vu — Former Communist Party Chief Of Thai Binh Province

Dr Nguyen Khoi Pham — Deputy Minister Of Science, Technology, And Environment

Dr. Hai Son Le — Deputy Minister — Vice Chairman Of Committee For Ethnic Affairs, Government Of Vietnam

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Dr. Manh Rinh Vu-前泰平省委书记

Dr. Nguyen Khoi Pham -科技与环境部副部长

Dr. Hai Son Le-越南政府民族事务委员会副主席兼副部长

2. Our projects with the government ranges from experimental to production level:

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Danang is one of the largest cities in Vietnam, we are experimenting with them our blockchain technology to store student academic records.

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Vietnamese National TV (VTVCab) is a State-owned TV channel, who are using KardiaChain tech to tokenise their ON Sports mobile app. They position ON Sports as a top sports content platform in Vietnam. KAI holders will be able to play predicition games, donate to their favorite football players, and win exciting rewards

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越南国家电视台(VTVCab)是一个国有电视频道,他们使用KardiaChain技术标记其ON Sports移动应用程序。 他们将ON Sports定位为越南顶级体育内容平台。 KAI持有者将能够玩预测比赛,投注给自己喜欢的足球运动员并获得丰厚的奖励

Vietnam Football Federation (VFF) — Official Organisation for Pro Football players. We help them blockchainize data of players, clubs and matches as well as monetise it.

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越南足球联合会(VFF)-职业足球运动员的官方组织。 我们帮助他们将球员,俱乐部和比赛的数据进行区块链化并通过货币化。

3. We are involved a lot on governemt side as well to make sure being updated with new policies and somehow contribute to the process. Most recent I was giving speech about blockchain and cryptocurrency to Vietnam Deputy Minister of Justice.

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3.我们在政府方面也参与了很多工作,以确保及时更新新政策,并以某种方式对这一过程做出贡献。 最近,我向越南司法部副部长发表了有关区块链和加密货币的演讲。

Please use translation for these link

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Q5. What is Kardiachain approach to blockchain mass adoption? How is it different

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Tri Pham:

Instead of developing solutions from scratch, KardiaChain takes a unique approach to achieving blockchain mass adoption by partnering with large enterprises and government bodies to decentralize their existing products/services with large existing user bases. These hybrid decentralized solutions are called ADapps (Adoption DApps) and are unique to KardiaChain. This approach allows KardiaChain on-board non-crypto users onto blockchain in a highly-efficient manner, while at the same time saving costs for customer acquisition and market education.

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KardiaChain无需从头开始开发解决方案,而是采用独特的方法来实现区块链的大规模采用,方法是与大型企业和政府机构合作,以将其现有产品/服务分散到具有大量现有用户群的地方。 这些混合分散式解决方案称为ADapps(采用DApp),对于KardiaChain而言是唯一的。 这种方法允许KardiaChain机载非加密用户以高效的方式进入区块链,同时节省客户获取和市场教育的成本。

KardiaChain is different because we are able create real demand for our KAI tokens and real value for our investors. So how exactly do our partnerships with major organizations benefit investors and what are the KAI token use cases in these ADapps?

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KardiaChain与众不同,因为我们能够创造出对我们的KAI代币的真实需求和对投资者的真实价值。 那么,我们与主要组织的合作关系如何使投资者受益呢?在这些ADapps中,KAI令牌的用例是什么?

ADapps in collaboration with major enterprises have a profit sharing model, KardiaChain will use these funds for business and tech development as well as buying back our tokens on the secondary market to reduce the total circulating supply and thus directly benefiting our investors.


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Our ADapps are tokenized with many KAI use cases integrated, which increases real demand for KAI tokens, directly benefiting investors. For example, our first ADapp ON Sports will allow for KAI token holders to play prediction games, livestream donations to their favorite football players as well as earn KAI tokens through various in-app tasks.

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我们的ADapps集成了许多KAI用例,对token进行了标记化,从而增加了对KAI的实际需求,直接使投资者受益。 例如,我们的首款ADapp ON Sports将允许KAI持有者玩预测游戏,向其喜爱的足球运动员进行实时捐赠,以及通过各种应用内任务获得KAI代币。

Q6. Who are Kardiachain’s strategic investors? And what does Kardiachain’s Roadmap for 2020 look like? What are your final goals for this year?

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Q6。 Kardiachain的战略投资者是谁? Kardiachain的2020年路线图是什么样的? 您今年的最终目标是什么?

Tri Pham:

Our strategic investors are mostly our business partners with some investments made personally, such as VTVCab Sport, VFF, and BlockCrafters. This is quite unique in blockchain space where VCs increasingly dominating and make money by dumping cheap tokens on retail buyers.

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我们的战略投资者主要是我们的业务合作伙伴,他们亲自进行了一些投资,例如VTVCab Sport,VFF和BlockCrafters。 这在区块链领域中是非常独特的,在这个领域中,风投越来越占主导地位,并通过向零售购买者倾销廉价代币来赚钱。

In 2020, we are launching multiple products and services on our blockchain partnering with tradition enterprises. In April, VTVCab Sport app ON Sports will be using KAI tokens for their new features such as voting and football prediction games. Later on, we introduces new payment channel with a top telco in Vietnam, helping users to buy tokens directly from their mobile balance. One of the biggest streamers community with total 30mil subscribers will also launch their tipping/donating platform with KardiaChain technology.

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2020年,我们将与传统企业合作在区块链上推出多种产品和服务。 4月,VTVCab Sport应用程序ON Sports将使用KAI令牌来实现其新功能,例如投票和足球预测游戏。 后来,我们在越南的顶级电信公司中引入了新的支付渠道,帮助用户直接从其移动余额中购买token。 最大的彩带社区之一,总共有3000万订户,还将使用KardiaChain技术启动其小费/捐赠平台。

As I mentioned, by end of this year, I aim to have 1 million KAI holders actively using products and services in KardiaChain ecosystem.

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Q7. About KardiaChain with Dual Node technology. What would be the benefits for users and developers? Are you working on this phase of the project? How advanced is it?

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Tri Pham:

Thanks for the great question. Please allow me use a few technical terms in explaining the answer

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感谢您提出的重大问题。 请允许我使用一些技术术语来解释答案

In summary, Dual Node is a bilingual translator who can speak both Kardiachain protocol and another one e.g. ETH, TRX, NEO etc.

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总之,Dual Node是一个多链翻译,既能讲Kardiachain协议,又能讲另一个协议,如ETH、TRX、NEO等。

A KAI-ETH node can translate what happened in Ethereum to Kardiachain, and a KAI-NEO node can translate what happened in Neo to Kardiachain, thus allowing NEO-ETH communication to achieve

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As in benefits,

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- User: There are multiple groups of Dual Nodes (KAI-ETH, KAI-NEO etc.) that users can stake or delegate to become validators, hence earning KAI in the process. We setup one-click-deployment to make the process of becoming our dual node validators very easy and time efficient.

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-用户:有多个双节点组(KAI-ETH,KAI-NEO等),用户可以抵押或委派成为验证者,从而在此过程中获得KAI。 我们设置了一键部署,以使成为我们的双节点验证器的过程变得非常容易且省时。

- Developers: Dual Nodes together with KSML enable Dapp developers to achieve cross-chain operations that they would not be able to perform otherwise. Example like deploying one Master smart contract that allows asset moving or info validation on multiple chains (ETH, NEO, TRX) at once has not been done before.

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-开发者:双节点与KSML一起使Dapp开发人员能够实现他们否则将无法执行的跨链操作。 之前尚未完成过部署一个主智能合约的示例,该合约允许一次在多个链(ETH,NEO,TRX)上进行资产移动或信息验证。

For status, Dual Node technology is the core of our project and has been successfully implemented awhile back. We demonstrated this technology few times through our DEX demo back in late 2018. We just uploaded a new demo link here if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbbA9-uX1OI&feature=youtu.be

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对于状态,双节点技术是我们项目的核心,并已在不久前成功实施。 我们在2018年底通过DEX演示几次展示了这项技术。如果您有兴趣,我们刚刚在此处上传了新的演示链接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbbA9-uX1OI&feature=youtu.be

Since then, we have continued to enhance the infrastructure, adding in more participating public chain (TRX) and enable the communication across public and private chain layers to onboard our enterprise and government business partners.

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Q8: How is KSML better than other tool for Dapp developers?

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As far as we know, currently there is no tool that allows Dapp developers to comprise multiple smart contracts of different blockchains (and potentially different languages) in a single Master smart contract.

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For example, there is no clean way for a Dapp developer to write something like “request account 1 on ETH to send 10 ETH to account 2, AND once that transaction is confirmed on ETH, request account 2 on NEO to return 200 NEO to account 1”.

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例如,Dapp开发人员没有一种简便的方法实现,“在ETH上请求帐户1向帐户2发送10 ETH,一旦在ETH上确认交易,则在NEO上请求帐户2将200 NEO返回到帐户 1”。

With KSML leveraging Dual Node technology, you can specify all these operations through multiple smart contracts deployed simultaneously on ETH and NEO.

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A KardiaChain Master smart contract using pseudo-KSML would look like this:

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<KAI smc>

Kardia smc written in Solidity to control interaction logic between NEO and ETH

用Solidity编写的Kardia smc来控制NEO和ETH之间的交互逻辑

</KAI smc>

<ETH smc>

Ethereum smc written in Solidity to specify logic from ETH

</ETH smc>

<KAI-ETH dual_logic>

Specify mapping from ETH smc and KAI smc

Specify sequence of action when triggered by an update from ETH or KAI smc

</KAI-ETH dual_logic>

<NEO smc>

Neo smc written in Python to specify logic from NEO

</NEO smc>

<KAI-NEO dual_logic>

Specify mapping from NEO smc and KAI smc

Specify sequence of action when triggered by an update from NEO or KAI smc

</KAI-NEO dual_logic>


Q9.Kardiachain first ADapps is in collaboration with “ON sports”, can you tell us what led to this huge collaboration and the solutions that will be jointly provided from this collaboration in the future?

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问题9.Kardiachain第一个ADapps与“ ON体育”合作,您能否告诉我们是什么原因促成了这种巨大的合作,以及将来将通过这种合作共同提供的解决方案?

Hello Serg!

Gateway reduces entry barriers to onboard non-crypto users onto blockchain via

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user-friendly payment channels.

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Infrastructure refers to the interlinked public and private KardiaChain blockchain network for users and businesses to operate, leveraging our unique non-invasive interoperability.

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Services refer to traditional organisations that collaborate with KardiaChain to tokenize and decentralize their existing services/products to become more effective and efficient.

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Our collaboration with ON Sports (VTVCab) is an ambitious one, operating on a large scale, our work includes major partners like Vietnam Football Federation (VFF), Vietfootball, KardiaChain Saigon FC. We will develop a complete ecosystem for football fans in Vietnam, our aim is to make KAI tokens the only thing that you ever need as a football fan to enjoy football to the maximum

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我们与ON Sports(VTVCab)的合作规模宏大,我们的工作包括越南足球联合会(VFF),Vietfootball,KardiaChain Saigon FC等主要合作伙伴。 我们将为越南的足球迷开发一个完整的生态系统,我们的目标是使KAI代币成为您成为足球迷最大程度地享受足球所需要的唯一东西

Q10。KSML is one of the unique innovative technology in kardiachain ! Can you introduce KSML in detail?

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问题10。KSML是kardiachain中独特的创新技术之一! 您可以详细介绍KSML吗?

KSML is a markup language based on JSON primitive (i.e. it is NOT compiled to bytecode by KVM). Since it is NOT a compiled language, we only need to develop a JIT 吧 吧interpreter to process it. The work to develop an interpreter is much more reasonable than a full-blown compiler.

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KSML是一种基于JSON原语的标记语言(即,KVM不会将其编译为字节码)。 由于它不是编译语言,因此我们只需要开发一个JIT吧解释器来处理它。 开发解释器的工作比成熟的编译器要合理得多。

Please see question 5 above for a detailed example.

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At the most basic level, dApp developers can write a Kardia Master smart contract which uses *tags* to differentiate between different platforms. Kardia will provide an SDK/API layer to mitigate the process of compiling and deploying these smart contracts onto the appropriate participating chains. The idea is to break down a function into smart parts for the interpreter to reconstruct in different languages.

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在最基本的级别上,dApp开发人员可以编写Kardia Master智能合约,该合约使用*标签*区分不同的平台。 Kardia将提供一个SDK / API层,以减轻将这些智能合约编译和部署到适当的参与链上的过程。 想法是将功能分解为智能部分,以便解释器以不同的语言进行重构。


Q11。Do you have any plan to reduce token supply in other to achieve scarcity and higher token value? Perhaps a buy back or token burn?

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问题11.您是否有其他计划减少令牌供应,以实现稀缺性和更高的令牌价值? 可能是回购还是烧钱?

Yes our ADapp business model in collaboration with major enterprises has a profit sharing model. ON Sports is the first announced ADapp with over 200,000 registered users and 800,000 fans.

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是的,我们与大型企业合作的ADapp业务模型具有利润共享模型。 ON Sports是第一个发布的ADapp,拥有20万注册用户和80万粉丝。

The profit acquired from these products/services will be partially used to buy back KAI tokens on the secondary market.

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Q12。Congrats on successfully passing the smart contract audit by CertiK at 95%score on Feb 26, 2020! So after this what will be the next step?

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问题12.祝贺您在2020年2月26日以95%的评分成功通过了CertiK的智能合约审核! 那么在这之后下一步将是什么?

Thank you, we’ve just announced this today. Pass Smart Contract Audit by CertiK is not only showing our security strength, but also meaning that our smart contract passed security qualifications to be listed on top digital asset exchanges.

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谢谢,我们今天才宣布这一点。 通过CertiK的智能合约审核不仅显示了我们的安全实力,还意味着我们的智能合约已通过安全认证,可在顶级数字资产交易所上市。

Regarding partnership with CertiK, our strategic partnership produces win-win results and promotes rapid development as well as enhances the security of global blockchain technology. This will mark our open opportunity as well as prove our tech. More info can be found here: https://medium.com/kardiachain/kardiachain-successfully-passed-certiks-smart-contract-audit-with-a-remarkable-score-of-95-68bc458e68b8

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关于与CertiK的合作伙伴关系,我们的战略合作伙伴关系将产生双赢的结果并促进快速发展,并增强全球区块链技术的安全性。 这将标志着我们的开放机会并证明了我们的技术。 更多信息可以在这里找到:


Q13.As a developer I Know SOLIDITY, Java C can I build dApps on KardiaChain and what are the modalities involved

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问题13.作为一名了解SOLIDITY的开发人员,我可以在Java C的KardiaChain上构建dApp以及涉及哪些方式。

Yes of course you can. You can use KSML to write Master Smart Contract which will comprise other smart contracts on any other chain. If you want to write a Master smc to communicate between NEO and ETH, you would need to write Solidity for ETH, Python for NEO, and use KSML to glue them together.

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是的,当然可以。 您可以使用KSML编写主智能合约,该合约将包括任何其他链上的其他智能合约。 如果要编写Master smc在NEO和ETH之间进行通信,则需要为ETH编写Solidity,为NEO编写Python,并使用KSML将它们粘合在一起。

KSML is a markup language based on JSON so should be very easy for you to learn also!


Q14.Currently, cryptocurrencies in Vietnam have not been officially recognized. So what is your plan to change the perspective of investors and attract them to Kardiachain?

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问题14.目前,越南的加密货币尚未得到正式认可。 那么,您打算如何改变投资者的看法并吸引他们加入Kardiachain?

Tri Pham:

Our first product is ON Sports mobile app by VTVCab, a state-owned TV Channel in Vietnam. We help them to tokenise and add new exciting for their products to increase user interaction and experience. More products are in our pipeline from now until the end of 2020, across multiple industries such as payment and entertainment.

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我们的第一个产品是越南国有电视频道VTVCab的ON Sports移动应用程序。 我们帮助他们标记产品并为其产品添加新的刺激因素,以增加用户互动和体验。 从现在到2020年底,我们正在开发更多产品,涉及支付和娱乐等多个行业。

Equating cryptocurrency with blockchain is a common misconception. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Litecoin are specifically aimed for use as a currency to buy or sell goods/services. KAI tokens are utility tokens, whereas KAI tokens are not intended to be used as a payment currency, but rather KAI is a utility token that have a specific purpose in the KardiaChain ecosystem.

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将区块链等同于加密货币是一个常见的误解。 像比特币或莱特币这样的加密货币专门用于购买或出售商品/服务的货币。 KAI是实用程序令牌,而KAI令牌不打算用作支付货币,而是KAI是在KardiaChain生态系统中具有特定目的的实用程序令牌。

We are well-aware of the status in legal framework in Vietnam for crypto and blockchain. KardiaChain has involved with the government since 2018 and constantly pushing for blockchain-favorable policies.

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我们非常了解越南法律框架中加密货币和区块链的地位。 KardiaChain自2018年以来一直与政府接触,并不断推动有利于区块链的政策。

Q15.How is blockchain technology applied in Kardiachain project? Does Kardiachain really need blockchain technology to be well-functioned?

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问题15。Kardiachain项目中如何应用区块链技术? Kardiachain真的需要功能完善的区块链技术吗?

First of all, our vision is going beyond interconnecting the blockchain world but also about connecting the public sector, private sector and blockchain world together in South East Asia, and further is to connect SE Asia with the world. There is no existing blockchain that currently offers the unique blend of technology (non-invasive cross-chain connections), customisations required for clients and partners, and business knowhow.

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首先,我们的愿景不仅是将区块链世界互连,还在于将东南亚的公共部门,私营部门和区块链世界连接在一起,进一步将东南亚与世界连接起来。 当前没有现有的区块链可提供技术(非侵入性跨链连接),客户和合作伙伴所需的定制以及业务知识的独特融合

For that we need an underlying technically capable platform to:

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1. Offer customisable blockchain solutions that uniquely appealed to our partners and clients (hybrid public-private blockchain solution)

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1. 提供可定制的,独特地吸引我们的合作伙伴和客户的区块链解决方案(混合型公私链解决方案)

2. Issue digital assets to facilitate payment and incentivise players to join the ecosystem

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3. Leverage and realised our relationships and transform them into value adding businesses

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Hence, a native token is required to regulate the network and secure cross-chain transactions between blockchains in the whole ecosystem. KardiaChain is the most flexible and easiest to adopt solution for institutional clients.

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因此,需要一个本地令牌来调节网络并保护整个生态系统中区块链之间的跨链交易。 KardiaChain是机构客户最灵活,最容易采用的解决方案。

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