KardiaChain & Coinplug establish “MYKEEPiN” Decentralized Identity Alliance

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3 min readJul 9, 2020

KardiaChain is taking another important step towards achieving blockchain mass adoption in Vietnam by developing a decentralized identity (DID) solution and forming the first DID alliance in Vietnam in collaboration with our South Korean partner Coinplug. The MoU has been signed on the 8th of July 2020.

Coinplug is a leading blockchain solutions provider for enterprises in South Korea, having developed blockchain solutions for Korea’s largest enterprises such as LG, Hyundai and KB국민은 — Coinplug is the #1 blockchain patent holder in Korea and #2 in the world.

DID is a blockchain-based model for managing digital identities that gives the ability for people, organizations and things to hold, manage and control their own digital credentials. Allowing users to verify and authenticate identity directly without a third-party identity verification service or entity.

The partnership has been reported on several South Korean mass media platforms some of which include: Techm.kr, Finnews.com, Blockinpress.com. Leveraging both parties’ technological and business experience and know-how, the partnership will focus on the following key areas:

Co-development of DID based authentication services in Vietnam

Leveraging on KardiaChain’s exceptional local know-how and business acumen in conjunction with Coinplug’s large-scale enterprise tech solution development experience, the two will co-develop customized DID solutions to best fit the current technological landscape as well as meet the local enterprise needs to allow for highly efficient adoption by institutions as well as end-users.

Identity management models across all organizations in Vietnam remain traditional (physical). KardiaChain takes the lead as an innovator, taking steps to digitize the current traditional identity models that are highly inefficient and not suitable for today’s highly tech reliant world where almost every business and public institution operates on the internet.

With the highly sought after enterprise benefits that DID solutions can provide such as convenience, lower operational and maintenance costs, privacy (end-users), enhanced security and the Vietnamese Government actively supporting and pushing for industry 4.0 technological innovation such as blockchain and 5G, as a leading enterprise and government blockchain project in Vietnam, KardiaChain is uniquely positioned to be able to integrate DID solutions on large-scale across top enterprises as well as government institutions, covering a large portion of the local population.

Co-found MYKEEPiN VIETNAM (first DID alliance in Vietnam)

MYKEEPiN is a user-friendly identity verification and authentication service that leverages DID and self-sovereign identity (SSI) technology.

MYKEEPiN VIETNAM is Vietnam’s first DID alliance. Under the leadership of KardiaChain, the DID alliance members will consist of KardiaChain’s strategic partners, who use KardiaChain’s DID solutions which include enterprise giants as well as key government institutions, whom will be announced in the near future as the development process reaches key milestones.

MYKEEPiN VIETNAM Alliance members are united by a common goal of pushing for DID mass adoption in Vietnam. Leveraging each others resources, experience as well as influence, all alliance members will work closely to bring DID solutions to many diverse industries as well as explore use cases and continuously research and develop DID solutions to be able to reap the many benefits that this cutting-edge technology brings.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, the MoU between KardiaChain and Coinplug was signed online on the 8th of July 2020 by Tri Pham — KardiaChain, CEO of KardiaChain and Ryan Uhr — CEO of Coinplug.

KardiaChain is extremely excited about yet another key milestone that brings us closer to achieving our vision and mission. MYKEEPiN VIETNAM Alliance marks the beginning of an exciting journey for blockchain adoption in Vietnam. We are very happy to have you join us on this ride!

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