KardiaChain is “ a star project” amongst the Chinese community

Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021

The Chinese crypto market has a unique factor because they have a lot of regulations and restrictions in the mainland, hence the interest in crypto exchange shift to overseas. Alongside Bitcoin and Ethereum, alternate coins also peak in interest lately in China. KardiaChain has gained overwhelmingly positive feedback in the Chinese community in March. This is a massive milestone for KAI’s journey of blockchain mass adoption on a global scale. The large exposure of KardiaChain news would definitely be advantageous to leverage KAI influence in a country with such importance in the crypto market.

Among the community, there are 12 Wechat groups exclusively about KardiaChain with approximately 4000 members. Amongst groups of new people wish to know more about KardiaChain, there are private groups solely created by KAI holders in China. Most of them actively discuss with enthusiasm, curiosity and positive notes how comprehensive KAI’s system is and willing to have more deep-dive research about the project.

Only recently, 区块链早餐, means “Breakfast with Blockchain” — one of the leading blockchain KOL since 2018 with over 30000+ followers on social media has posted an evaluation of KardiaChain, titled “Evaluation of KardiaChain, a star public chain project in Vietnam”. The article consists of evaluating KAI products, technical capability, current activities and potential of development in multiple aspects. Overall, the review praises KardiaChain as a very attractive project to young people born in the digital age due to partnerships and involvement in trending topics and industries such as E-sports, entertainment, mobile payment, credit, etc. Moreover, KAI technical prowess with the non-invasive and fully interoperable Dual Node is a major key to complete the blockchain and eventually evolve into a blockchain full-stack super solution, especially in the next 10 years.

The review article was wide-spread on multiple news channels in China, including top tier media and top blogs about blockchain such as Huoxing24 ( 火星财经), Xuequi (雪球) and Bihu (币乎), which gives Chinese people a better perspective and knowledge about KAI.

The article from Breakfast with Blockchain, written in Chinese:

Other credible sources about the KardiaChain review article:

○ 火星财经: https://news.huoxing24.com/20210413172933899061.html

○ 百家号:https://mbd.baidu.com/newspage/data/landingshare?preview=1&pageType=1&isBdboxFrom=1&context=%7B%22nid%22%3A%22news_9428091141802908983%22%2C%22sourceFrom%22%3A%22bjh%22%7D

○ 雪球:https://xueqiu.com/9413437488/176682523

○ 头条:https://www.toutiao.com/i6948987833054986783/

○ 币乎:https://bihu.com/article/1492219405

Alongside the evaluation article, the launching of KAIDEX Landing Page also headlines more than 20 online news outlet in China. Amongst these channels are credible names like 币值财经, Biu财经 ,中本财经, and FN Fintech News. With great interest in blockchain, there is an undeniable enthusiasm about a DEX with full CEX experience for traders in China to join in.

○ 币值财经 http://www.bizhicaijing.com/news/8964/

○ Biu财经 https://www.biucaijing.com/wire/20210331212718/

○ 中本财经 http://www.zbcj.vip/newsDetail/54181

○ fn https://m.fn.com/lives/151305.html

Other news sources about the KAIDEX Landing page:

○ 量子财经 http://liangzicj.com/live/56743

○ 倾听财经 http://www.qingtingcj.com/fnews/198751

○ 区间集 http://www.blockisx.com/news/20210331-5917

○ 芒果财经网 http://www.mgcjw.top/live/56398

○ 币马温 http://www.bmwcaijing.com/archives/news/越南公链项目kardiachain宣布 推出kaidex去中心化交易所

○ 链数科 http://www.qukuaichain.com/article-19013.html

○ 纽链财经 http://www.niuliancj.com/9506.html

○ 链虎财经 https://www.chainhoo.com/?post_type=live

○ 电子时代 http://www.eleoke.com/article-826933432524214272.html

○ 链导财经 http://www.ldcaijing.com/a/view/3673.html

○ 区块链报道 http://www.qklbd.com/live/31491

○ 链与财经 http://www.lianyucj.com/detailed/3160.html

○ Hello财经 http://www.hellocaijing.cn/kuaixun.html2

○ GoodBP http://www.goodbp24.com/newsletter/detail/210344.html

○ 蚁链财经 http://antsbt.com/30850

○ 七彩研究院 https://www.qicai.ink/kuaixun/3322.html

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