Mass Adoption Plan aka M.A.P. of KardiaChain

Published in
8 min readMar 14, 2023

Tri Pham, Cofounder & President of KardiaChain

8th March, 2023


Since its birth in 2018, KardiaChain has always been pursuing and pushing the mass adoption of blockchain. While there are different ways to realise our vision, we believe that starting in a developing country with few to none legacy systems would be beneficial to a young technology. The steps so far are: Pick a favourable market, Find business partners that have a large enough existing customer base, Integrate blockchain into their systems, and Gain both use cases and users.

During five years of implementation, everything we have been actively building and involving with are just parts of a master plan. Although some efforts can be seen as irrelevant, behind the scenes we are indeed putting all the pieces together. Today I would like to show the community the bigger and more detailed picture of what we are doing and how we will achieve the final goal. This mass adoption plan is conveniently shortened as M.A.P. (pun intended) with the hope that it helps readers to navigate through every step and challenge of bringing about a blockchainised future.

Open the MAP

1. Find utility fitting the mass

One of the greatest challenges is Blockchain technology alone does not have the utility befitting the mass. Aside from being a cool investing instrument, blockchain applications are often cumbersome and only serve small niches. To tackle this, we devise an end-to-end solution called Kyokai — the Boundary — aiming to provide adequate tools for non-crypto builders. Kyokai’s true mission is to omit the blockchain concepts and get right to the value propositions. Using these tools, most physical elements can be bridged onto the digital world, which is powered by Kardiachain. A further goal is to evolve Dual-Node technology into a brand new multi-chain solution, making Kyokai blockchain-agnostic.

Firstly, let’s take a look at a high level structure below:

We divide the physical world into four main segments: Identity (people), Items, Activities, and Locations. Then we build a bridge capable of accommodating all four. Starting with KardiaChain as a built-in blockchain infrastructure, a specialised smart contract layer is added on top, linking with the chip encryption.

  • For Identity, an organisation can issue NFC cards or software wallets working with KYC solutions to link a person with their web3 ID.
  • For Items, one can embed an NFT-integrated NFC Chip (a shorter name is coming up) to any reasonable physical product, and link it with a digital asset, preferably an NFT. Reasonable means the product should be uniform, not easily detached, and has a value higher than the chip itself. Alternatively one can use a QRcode.
  • For Activities, any digitalised activities can be bridged via our smart-contract layer, with tokens and NFTs issued as records. These records are also available as non-transferrable (soulbound).
  • For Locations, we have two options for different precision requirements: NFC and BLE Beacon. While BLE Beacon is a wide range option — up to 50 metres, sometimes the visitors are required to be at a specific place so an NFC is ideal.

The details of Kyokai will be available in my Co-founder Huy Nguyen’s Whitepaper. Coming soon on a metaverse nearby.

I will also address two arguments against Kyokai — the technology itself is not innovative and requires a lot of resources. While there are solutions equivalent to each part of Kyokai available on the market, some are not very inaccessible. This is where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Kyokai provides an end-to-end, built-in solution from infra to chip to software. Companies or individuals can simply give a physical input, and through our guided process, they will receive a digital output. Next, resources in startups are indeed sacred. Fortunately, we are blessed with sister companies, portfolio companies, and core partners who focus on each of the components. These entities are financially independent and already generating revenue from their operation. In this early phrase, each part of the above structure is being commercialised by selective partners.

Identity: Weepaz — Pass to the Metaverse, provide solutions for companies to manage employees work time, perks, and internal events. Aiming serves as the web3 identity layer.

Items: Ortho — digital fashion house, produces both physical and digital fashion items, linked by NFT and NFC chip. Ortho also works with local brands and designers to introduce their products and users onto web3. Aiming to become a “fashion planet” open for collaboration with all brands.

Activities: Raramuri — Marathon on Metaverse, provide tools for running enthusiasts to stream their activities onto a virtual space, live ranking, and interactions. Aiming to connect all kinds of sports and exercises, most recent is cycling.

Locations: Whydah Metaverse Office — first office in Vietnam to incorporate virtual space and physical presentation, use bluetooth and NFC for check-in/out, and NFT for access.

Gamification layer: IronSail — collective effort blockchain game project, focus on making games 100% on chain. The game studios in IronSail put a lot of effort into blockchain gamification features used in our ecosystem.

2. Build the right awareness

Another challenge in communication is the question why blockchain. It is funny each time I see a bear market, I face this question. And during the last bull market, I was the one asking people that question. Because at that time, most partners saw blockchain as a quick money scheme to employ for their business, sadly. That’s why I figured the best answer is to make the blockchain part invisible. If you think about it, when you’re browsing the Internet, you don’t really care how the networks are being transmitted and interconnected. The users don’t pay much attention to how things are happening. That’s why we decided to convey the value of blockchain through more familiar concepts. Below is how we communicate using the theme of digitalisation and metaverse to three key audiences.

3. Alignment to get full support

Next challenge is policy — will blockchain be legal in Vietnam. Short answer is no one knows for sure. Long answer is that what we do is well-aligned with the 2025–2030 national plan of digitalisation (embed link, set out by our Prime Minister.

Through the plan, the Vietnamese government encourages technology experiments in areas with unclear regulations. Additionally, blockchain is among new technologies that received a push in education and research. Kyokai developments are aligned with several major missions in the plan. Table below is some extractions from said plan.


Kyokai features

IV.4.a. An identification system for the whole population

DID, KYC, Blockchain Account Management

IV.4.d Identify and encourage Vietnamese businesses to build publicly opened platforms across industries

KardiaChain is the built-in public blockchain for all Kyokai

IV.6.c. Prioritise blockchain research and support related businesses

Some technologies of Kyokai are already registered with the Ministry of Technology and Science

V.5. Develop VR/AR as part of the digitised government

Gamification layer and Digital Universe

4. Achieve critical mass

I believe new technology is not adopted by all individuals in a social system at the same time, but rather in a time sequence, and can be classified into adopter groups as the Rogers’ bell curve suggested.

For us, to achieve mass adoption for Vietnam, we are targeting the first 2.5% of the population, the Innovators. As of March 2023, the innovators segment in Vietnam comprises approximately 2.5 million individuals, out of a total population of around 100 millions. A 2015 EY of digitally active consumers report identified several key ways to identify Innovators — they’re younger and richer, they’re willing to take risks, and have closest interaction with other innovators. Innovators are future-focused, so they always explore and adopt new technologies with high risk tolerance.

Let’s look at Gen Z, a generation that’s disrupting every social quo and desiring for new ideas, creativity, and the freedom to express their authentic selves through online platforms. They indeed represent the Innovator group, and a great choice for blockchain adoption.

As we’re evaluating the Gen Z group, we’ve observed that they consistently seek to enhance their online interactions and embrace the “authentic” movement, having grown up in a world that was already online. With Kyokai, we’re giving them tools to seamlessly move freely between the physical and digital worlds, in an authentic, trustless and verifiable environment.

We believe in the next 5 years, online-offline convergence is an undeniable reality. There will be a strong need for infrastructure beneath. Thus, we position Kardiachain to become the first blockchain to support bridging the two worlds. KardiaChain is the vital part of the plan, like the very paper the MAP is drawn upon. If we were to build this whole system on top of a centralised infrastructure, it would never work. If we were to build on Ethereum, we could not make the blockchain part invisible due to fees and the amount of customisation required. If we were to use a private chain, we would lose trust of the educated adopters later on. Simply put, for anyone to build something similar, KardiaChain is the best choice — fast, flexible, interop, future-proof. KardiaChain v2 — Kyokai — will be an evolution. Evolving from our original mission of interoping between the chains, we now will bridge the verses, starting with the physical-digital boundary.

To summarise, the MAP shows us these steps to follow:

  • Provide digitised solutions with KardiaChain built-in.
  • Align with the society needs to accelerate awareness.
  • Launch products to innovator-type users.

What to expect in the coming days:

  • New roadmap, by end of March 2023.
  • Kyokai White Paper, by 15th of April.
  • New personnel structure for the ecosystem, by end of April.
  • Release Marketing & Community plan, by end of April.




UNIFIED BLOCKCHAIN ECOSYSTEM — The first fully decentralised interoperable and self-optimised blockchain ecosystem