Q3 AMA Global Expansion Update with Global CEO Roel Resurreccion

Published in
7 min readOct 2, 2023


Good evening from our side of the world, our dearest Kaisers!

Welcome to our Q3 AMA of 2023 to catch up and share with you the updates from us.

I am Dario, and I will be hosting today’s AMA.

And joining me today is KardiaChain’s recently appointed Global CEO, Mr. Roel Resurreccion. Do you have any words for our community members joining today?

Roel: Hey Kaisers!

I am excited to be here today for my first of many AMAs or soon to be known as Round Tables. Thank you for your patience as I took the time to understand the landscape and the future path ahead. My first six months have been a rollercoaster for sure. Many different moving pieces across the restructuring, operational/community engagement opportunities, expansion, and much more.

As we continue our journey with mass adoption, we want to be more collaborative with you. I have seen that there is an opportunity to improve how we interact and also react. With the HoK Program, our goal is to be more transparent, engaging, and collaborative. We will build and shape the program together to address recent gaps and build a structured operation with consistent continuous improvement.

There are overseas projects and partnerships that we are excited to start sharing with you as we continue to explore adoption in business, government, and entertainment sectors. I’ll save the details for a later date.

Anyways, Let’s kick it off with some questions

Host: Thanks Roel for that introduction. This AMA is going to be a good one.

We’ll answer a few questions submitted from our community. I believe they are waiting for this moment quite a while to have all the inquiries responded.

We’ll be opening the chat for a live Q&A. We’ll try to answer as many questions as possible, so please use this time to ask or raise any concern you may have.

Let’s begin!

Q1: As a long-term, early supporter of Kai, I was originally excited by the Kardiachain whitepaper, outlining the development of Dual Nodes to connect all blockchains. The dreams of interoperability weren’t delivered during the last investment cycle. Why do you think that was? has Kardiachain given up on that dream altogether?

Roel: We still aim to connect all the chains. Interop is not a dream, it’s our mission and our way to bring mass adoption for blockchain technology. Basically, we still follow the same path set out since the beginning. Connecting public blockchains might not make sense as we have seen many recent attacks on bridges. On the other hand, connecting private and consortium chains to public chains is crucial for adoption. It helps onboard businesses to web3 by providing better ways to store and access information for both internal operations and consumer facing services.

Q2: Can you tell us more about KardiaChain’s mass adoption plan? What are the key pillars of this plan and how do you plan to execute it?

How does KardiaChain plan to use blockchain technology to improve the agricultural industry?

Roel: We are exploring different sectors within Vietnam and SEA. The vision is to continue mass adoption and we believe we have and will continue to grow partnerships in Vietnam and across the SEA region. Our partnerships in Vietnam look very promising as interoperability between public, private, and consortium chains has a path for development. As projects incubate and mature with their use cases, we will expand partnerships within SEA but also look for new opportunities.

To get there, we want to improve our engagement with the community. As we continue development and expansion efforts, we want to keep you all informed, collaborate, and have a voice in the decision making process. We will start to focus on improving our marketing and sharing more information about what partners are building on our infrastructure. I have seen since I have joined that we are challenged with operations and see we need to do some clean up there. It’s important to bring in a model to support not only our community but our partners. With the global expansion, the team will grow as we start to fill in areas of need to help us scale.

As for agriculture, we don’t have any immediate plans in that space but are open to exploring and finding partners that are willing to.

Q3: Compensation plan for the team’s solution to the Multichain bridge issue. A lot of people have problems with it.

Roel: We understand that this is an unfortunate and concerning matter for our users. However, we will emphasize that we are not responsible for the losses that occurred as the exploit was on the Multichain platform, which is outside of our control. There were many that were dependent on Multichain that suffered losses, and this is unfortunate.

There is room for improvement in how we monitor, identify trends, and react. We could have done a better and timely job in protecting our members and will strive to improve to prevent occurrences like this and others from having a negative impact as we grow.

Because of the risk of bridges being compromised, we have carefully reviewed our options and are hesitant in pursuing another bridge provider. We have not ruled out it though, but we are looking at different paths that give us security and warranty.This includes established companies in fiat onramp services and CEXs. Discussions are in motion as we continue to explore our options .

Q4: What kind of partnerships can we expect in the future? What kind of clients and sectors is KardiaChain looking to expand into?

Roel: We are looking to expand in any sector that is interested in exploring blockchain technology. Because of the work in Vietnam, the potential to have interoperability with public, private, and consortium chains will open new opportunities for adoption. We are hard at work with those partnerships and hope to share more details soon. We are approaching the same opportunities in the Philippines and have made progress in discussions with potential partners. There is a unique use case we are exploring that involves real estate rentals and legally accepting crypto as a form of payment. We have also met with a highly respected IT company that works with the Philippines national government and ASEAN nations. There is interest in the use of blockchain for different use cases and we hope to share our involvement with efforts in Vietnam.

Q5: How are you planning to improve KardiaChain’s communication and branding efforts? What are your goals for these initiatives?

While the KardiaChain team is busy BUIDLing. What are some ways that the KardiaChain Community can help to do our part in bringing Mass Adoption?

Roel:We started the House of Kaisers Program to improve our community engagement, communication, and support. The program will include a news portal to communicate our efforts and features to help spread our brand. It’s an opportunity for us to collaborate and build how we all can do our part and be incentivized for it. We will develop tools, missions, and activities for the HoK to help us on this journey.

Q6: Why is the official Kardiachain Wallet full of redundant dapps? What plans are there to develop, clean up, and grow the wallet and DeFi ecosystem?

Roel: There is room for improvement with operational efficiency that will be part of the overall roadmap. Our goal is to improve our operational execution so that there is more consistency with upkeep.

We are always reviewing the state of the blockchain industry and our ecosystem and have seen the need to adapt. We will continue to support official applications and make collaborative decisions on how to improve them. At this time, we are currently reviewing the best paths that are safe with the DeFi ecosystem. We will share more of this as we work with the HoK Elders.

Host:Now that Mr. Roel has answered the selected questions from our community, now is the time for us to head into the Live Q&A session. Mr. Roel, take your time to answer the community.

Question: Cnetworksonsidering the different cryptographic chains and services; What makes KAI different from other ?

Roel: Blockchain technology and the industry itself is maturing day by day. While it’s critical to develop innovative features, at Kardiachain, we believe user-centric approach is even more important. What makes us different is the know-how and hands-on exp during more than 5 years deep in the frontline pushing blockchain adoption to governments, businesses and consumers.

We got what it takes to bring blockchain to the daily use, to make the tech visible and the benefits more visual

Normal startups have failure rate of 95%. And crypto/blockchain projects are even more adventurous startups. No matter how many have failed, it matter that we work until the end, where the winners await.

Question: Can you update about plans for https://treasury.kardiachain.io/?

Roel: We want to make sure that decisions here are collaborative. We will want to make sure that interests are agreed upon with us and the HoK before any funds are utilized.

Question: Will Kaistarter exist again?

Roel: Kaistarter was launched before all the trend of xyz-starter and launchpad for IDO. Kaistarter is an idea about bringing web2 and web3 together, bridging the need of both worlds. So yes, when we see the demand, Kaistarter will fulfill it.

Question: Are there any ZK tech, SBT, NFT Marketplace on KardiaChain?

Roel: Even before Binance NFT marketplace, we helped to launch Congtroi.org, the first NFT art marketplace in Vietnam. After that, we have Agoran.io, focusing on gaming NFT.

The Kaimond was actually designed as SBT, but due to certain limitations, it didn’t achieve its full potential. SBT will be available in some of the HOK features.

Host: That’s all for today, everyone!

Great questions, and thank you, Mr. Roel, for your time today to meet up and answer questions from the community.

I hope we were able to address your concerns. And if not, feel free to reach out to us through our social channels.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/KardiaChain

Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/kardiachainofficial

Facebook: KardiaChain | Ho Chi Minh City | Facebook

Roel’s final remarks:

House of Kaisers, thank you for your time and I am looking forward to collaborating with you in reshaping how we operate and execute. A lot of work is ahead of us. Let’s get it!




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