What is the NFT-integrated NFC Chip, and how KyoKai use it for digital transformation?

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4 min readMar 23, 2023

Recently, Mr. Huy Nguyen and Mr. Tri Pham — co-founders of Kardichain, have launched a new project, KyoKai, intending to serve as a platform for digital transformation from the real world to the virtual world (metaverse). In it, Mr. Huy Nguyen mentioned a lot about applying NFT-integrated NFC Chip in the project. So what is it precisely, and how it will benefit Kyokai’s mission? Let’s find out together!

Learn about KyoKai

KyoKai is named after the word 境界 (Kyōkai) — which means “Boundary” in Japanese. This platform combines all the projects that Kardaichain has done to create a virtual world parallel to the real world on a blockchain. It acts as the bridge between the natural and virtual worlds, helping to connect the two worlds.

Using the power of blockchain technology, KyoKai will provide tools for people to transfer their assets in the real world to items in the virtual world, also known as digital transformation. Those items will retain their value as it is unique, immutable, and tied to the same item/asset in the real world.

What is an NFC Chip?

A Near-Field Communication chip (NFC chip or NFC chipset) is a silicon component or Integrated Circuit (IC) that can be used differently, depending on the targeted application. An NFC chip enables short-range wireless communication between two devices. This provides an additional layer of security, as only devices near each other can communicate via NFC.

The NFC chips embedded in each system component make wireless communication possible. For example, an NFC chip can be embedded in a banking card, a payment terminal, or a passport, where it stores biometric data.

How does an NFC chip work?

An NFC communication system includes two separate parts: an NFC reader chip and an NFC tag. The NFC reader chip is the active part of the system because, as its name suggests, it “reads” (or processes) the information before triggering a specific response. It provides power and sends NFC commands to the passive part of the system, the NFC tag.

The NFC technology is frequently used in public transport, where users can pay using their NFC-enabled ticket or smartphone. In this example, the NFC reader chip would be embedded in the bus payment terminal, and the NFC passive tag would be in the ticket (or the smartphone) that receives and replies to the NFC commands sent by the terminal.

There are three types of NFC chips: NFC readers, NFC tags, and NFC controller chips.

What is an NFT-integrated NFC Chip?

NFC technology can be used as a link between NFT and physical assets via unique NFC data embedded in each asset’s NFC chip. This way, the link is enabled via the communication between NFT and material support. NFC technology can securely prevent all unauthorized communications using designated physical communication ranges and encryption. Moreover, NFC can be easily installed into any physical asset due to its small size. That’s called an NFT-integrated NFC Chip.

How KyoKai use it?

KyoKai divides the physical world into four main segments: Identity (people), Items, Activities, and Locations. Then build a bridge capable of accommodating all four.

Starting with KardiaChain as a built-in blockchain infrastructure, a specialized smart contract layer is added, linking with the chip encryption.

  • For Identity: an organization can issue NFC cards or software wallets working with KYC solutions to link a person with their web3 ID.
  • For Items: one can embed an NFT-integrated NFC Chip (a shorter name is coming up) to any good physical product and link it with a digital asset, preferably an NFT. Reasonable means the product should be uniform, not easily detached, and have a value higher than the chip. Alternatively, one can use a QR code.
  • For Activities: any digitalized activities can be bridged via our smart-contract layer, with tokens and NFTs issued as records. These records are also available as non-transferrable (soulbond).
  • For Locations: KyoKai has two options for precision requirements: NFC and BLE Beacon. While BLE Beacon is a comprehensive range option — up to 50 meters, sometimes the visitors must be at a specific place, so an NFC is ideal.


The NFT-integrated NFC Chip plays a significant role in KyoKai. It is necessary to identify real-world assets/items and associate them with assets/items in the metaverse. With the NFT-integrated NFC Chip, KyoKai will develop widely and successfully in the future.

What to expect in the coming days

  • New roadmap by the end of March 2023.
  • Kyokai White Paper, by 15th of April.
  • New personnel structure for the ecosystem by the end of April.
  • Release Marketing & Community plan by the end of April.




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