A Very Short Commentary on the Ups and Downs of Town Taverns Through Time (Day 84)

A meeting place for friends exchanging pleasantries and a pitfall for mean drunks


Photo from Facebook

A tavern is a business where people gather to drink alcoholic beverages. An inn is a tavern that hosts lodgers. Over time, the words “tavern” and “inn” became interchangeable.

For normal drinkers, gathering at the local watering hole is a pleasant diversion from the responsibilities of work and family. For people who are not able to drink normally, the tavern is the place where overindulgence is normalized and even encouraged.

Regulars at Shutesbury taverns include many fine residents past and present, and also a fair share of scoundrels, miscreants and murderers.

Shutesbury is known for its water and distilled spirits.

Shutesbury Inn photo from town files


I wanted to stick with exactly 100 words this morning because I enjoy the challenge of saying something of interest in so few words. I couldn’t fit it in but I had to mention because I found it so…

