Celebration And Appreciation!

100-day challenge finale.


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This is my hundredth hundred-word story. Karen and I began this challenge on May 16th and today is day 100.

This challenge has been a serious boon to my writing practice. While not every story is as polished as I would like, I was able to write a story every day. I formed the habit of daily writing, beyond morning pages or journaling.

My initial intention of writing 100 words a day was to prepare for my dream-come-true trip to Alaska. I wrote 61 stories before leaving on my road trip to Seattle and was well prepared to keep writing as the adventure unfolded.

A bonus I had not considered when I began the challenge is that I now have 100 writing prompts to jump-start my memoir/ life-travelogue.


I appreciate my friend and writing partner, Karen, for suggesting we do the 100-day-challenge, and for sticking with it and me. We’ve faithfully read each other’s posts and have regular check-ins to support each other in writing our memoirs.



Jane Kaufman
Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge

I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.