💯 Story Challenge

Here are the Top 5 Reasons Librarians Should Rule the World (Day 13)

Do you agree?


A sexy librarian in high heels with a yard stick
Photo by mike giovinazzo on Unsplash

I just came back from the Massachusetts Library Association Annual Conference on Cape Cod. I’m more convinced than ever that librarians should rule the world. Here’s why.

Top 5 Reasons Librarians Should Rule the World

1. Librarians are organized and keep to the schedule.

Ever been to a meeting that is pointless and goes on forever? That doesn’t happen in the library world, or at least not in my experience. Meetings start and end on time, have an agenda, follow rules of order. Everyone feels included in the discussion. There’s always a lot of ground covered and action items approved. Minutes are circulated in a timely fashion, then reviewed and edited thoroughly. There are unlikely to be mistakes, typos, or errors in grammar and punctuation. Imagine if the whole world worked that efficiently!

2. Librarians are fun.

Forget the shushing spinster trope, librarians are tattooed, wild, and loving life. In spite of being on the frontlines of one of the most stressful jobs there is, with an especially high turnover rate since the pandemic; in spite of a…

