Paying Attention To Our Thoughts Is Key To Creating The Reality Experienced By Our Bodies

Buddha said it, and Marcus Aurelius, too. (61)


Image created by author on Canva; little monk by Joe R.

I’ve been anticipating and appreciating fun interactions with people.

Last night: Movie theater. Reserved seats. I chose the middle of five, to be center screen. I misjudged. The aisle seat was closer to center.

I went to move, but intuition said, “Wait a minute. See if anyone sits there.”

Sure enough, three women came in, looked at the row, and hesitated.

I immediately whispered, “I can move to the aisle seat so the three of you can sit together.”

“Are you sure?” “That would be great.” “Thank you!”

Smiles and good feelings all around. Brief, but I’m just getting started.

Image created by author on Canva; little monk by Joe R.

Who knows what will happen next. To find out follow Karen and Jane’s 100 words for 100 days challenge, May 16-Aug 24.



Jane Kaufman
Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge

I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.