We’re Just a Pair of Cool Middle-Aged Chicks Hitting the Road and Writing Stories about our Adventures (Day 6)

Photoshoots and editorial meetings are fun when we are in charge


Photo by Felicia Felix on the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne, Mass

Jane and I met on the Bridge of Flowers last weekend for a photoshoot in preparation for the launch of our new publication Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge. It was early evening and most of the tourists were gone. The river danced and sparkled, flowing slowly under a dusky sky. The fragrance of lilacs and hyacinths sweetened the air. The weight of the world felt lifted. It was impossible to not feel light-hearted, happy, even a little high. We goofed around trying different poses and facial expressions. There was no tension, only eagerness and joy.

two women smiling on a bridge
Photo by Felicia Felix on the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne, Mass

Jane lives in New York and I live in Massachusetts. For almost a year we have been meeting weekly on Zoom to talk about our writing. We share successes and frustrations and give each other ideas and encouragement. Now that we have a Medium publication, our support chat has been elevated to an “editorial meeting.” It sounds so professional…

