What’s Next for the Two Cool Middle-aged Chicks Now that we Nailed the 100 Story Challenge?(Day 100)

More adventures and more writing fun with a dose of accountability


Karen and Jane on the Bridge of Flowers

Whoohoo! We did it!

Three days ago I was all confident and full of advice for other writers, then yesterday I was humbled when I forgot how to write. Today we cross the finish line of our 💯 Story Challenge.

The summer has flown by and now it’s time to start thinking about what comes next.

When we created our publication Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Day Challenge, we described ourselves as “two writers who are supporting each other in the creative process by writing every day with the goal of an eventual full length memoir.”

To any writers who are having trouble deciding what to write about or getting into the habit of writing every day, the 💯 Story Challenge is an exercise I can’t recommend highly enough. For me, the structure and commitment helps quiet the monkey mind that tries to squirm out of writing. This helps creativity flow. I didn’t want to let Jane down by flaking out or giving up. She felt the same. When one of us felt stuck, talking it through often got ideas flowing again. We kept an eye…

