Where Do Revolutions Begin? History Says In The Local Pub.

At least that’s true of the American Revolution. (51)


The Matthewis Persen House was a tavern during the American Revolution. Photo by author

Matthewis Persen died in 1810. In the fall of 2022, he will be memorialized on a cemetery tour.

I was hired by Frank Marquette — actor, writer, director, and creator of Theatre On The Road — to write Persen’s monologue.

Matthewis ran a tavern during the Revolutionary War. Taverns of that era have a rich history of being the place to meet, argue, and plan revolt.

I imagine the political debates that raged within those walls, as the ale and whiskey flowed during that tumultuous time.

I wonder if any bars around today will be remembered 200 years from now.

The Matthewis Persen House Museum and Cultural Heritage Center in Kingston, NY. Photo by author

I’ve also written about how much fun it is writing for the cemetery tour:



Jane Kaufman
Karen and Jane’s 100 Words for 100 Days Challenge

I enjoy deep dives in pools of self-reflection and have discovered the power to change the world within 5' of my feet. I expect to laugh often and die well.