5 lessons to learn from Thanos in Avengers: Endgame

KariosNation | Life & Experiences


After watching The Avengers: Endgame and its many revelations, I have concluded that Thanos was who he was for many reasons and there are things to be learned from his personality and will. As well known, Thanos was a genocidal warlord from Titan, whose main goal was to bring stability to the universe as he believed the entire population would inevitably use up the universe’s entire supply of resources and not be able to sustain it. Therefore making him its Savior by using the Infinity Stones to bring balance by the reduction of the population by half.

Thanos had a belief system like no other. One that attributed the oppressed (his prey) showing gratitude to his actions for the atrocious acts he had and was making on their behalf. As a leader, tough decisions must be made, and living with its consequences, he graciously did with sheer pride.

Among the many lessons was his ability to be ready to evolve or adapt. Thanos was a world conqueror and being one is no mean fit which must very much involve a lot of change. He killed people planet by planet, massacre by massacre learning from every kill, gaining knowledge of his prey, their strength, their weakness, their pride and glory before doing his duty and taking all but half away. He tested Earth during the Chitauri Invasion which he lost but got better at in Avengers Infinity Wars



KariosNation | Life & Experiences

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