Happy Birthday, Dad!!

KariosNation | Life & Experiences
2 min readJun 19, 2021


19th June 2020

Happy birthday Dr. Tunji Adeniji with emphasis on the Dr. just the way you like it. It’s no small feat. You would have been 81st today your real and not the football age everyone knows. It’s amazing looking back how strong and such an organizer you were, guess I got that from you and partly from mom as well.

My heart is still heavy slightly but almost forgot your birthday. Is this how it would feel when I’m gone? The travails of a grown man while fulfilling the saying “out of sight, is out of mind” but some scars remain with you forever and you Dad are an indelible mark never to be forgotten, always ever-present in my life.

The heart-wrenching reality of the recount of your demise remains a dream I can’t seem to wake up from.

Just an update for you, your beloved Nigeria is on verge of no return but we somehow never fall off the cliff. The President has shown his dictatorship ways, no money on ground but we still find ends meet with the grace of God, I have been able to sleep a lot better, cant still write as I used which is still a work in progress and on my way out to see the Queen, but less I forget Twitter is banned in Nigeria, I’m sure you know what that is by now.

Your examples of the view that “treat every man equally” still live on and help everyone within your means but trying to do at without a cost to myself. I guess it’s time to put myself first wouldn’t you agree? Definitely, you would.

Thanks for being the Father, I needed not wanted. Happy Birthday, Dad!

Just trying to make sense of it all.




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