Movie Review: Miracle in Cell No 7.

KariosNation | Life & Experiences


There was a recent buzz about this movie online particularly on Twitter which led me to find it and watch in order to quench my curiosity or others may say FOMO. This was set in Turkey. The movie started out with the end of a scene of a girl in a wedding dress holding on to a metallic cardholder while starring at the mirror while recalling the journey of her life. In the follow-up scenes, we got to know her name was Ova, Memo’s child.

A journey that showed an intellectual disable father’s love for his daughter without a mother (died at childbirth I presume) while under the guidance of the Father’s mother (Grandma). A father (Memo) who barely had a grasp of anything but had one sole goal of making his daughter “happy”. This he tried to do in every way possible by picking her from school or selling snacks just to get a Hendi backpack she admired.

This father and daughter bond was jealous by a classmate whose father was a Lt. Col. a reverenced and feared man who barely had time to show affection to his children which made his daughter feel the need to hurt her classmate by buying the Hendi backpack she admired which made Ova sad for a while and troubled Memo who questioned if she will ever be happy again but Grandma was very reassuring on a turnaround.

This turn around was never for good but just got worse! Memo was tending to…



KariosNation | Life & Experiences

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