The true value of Friendship (BMF Crew)

KariosNation | Life & Experiences
3 min readNov 26, 2017


Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Ever been stuck on the road in the dead of the night, who do you call? Ever received news that cannot be heard alone and feel the need to share, who do you tell? Having or had a bad experience during the day and the urge to vent to someone, who do you reach out to? Need to gossip or go clubbing, there’s just the perfect person! A friend.

There is a friend for every situation and event. There’s a friend in the hour of “guy I need a favour” $ need, “guy I never yarn you” moments, “guy make we commot” moment and most important of all “guy let’s talk” deep conversations. The beauty of this is that a friend could have all this personalities in 1 or different friends that make up your crew or group.

A friend can be someone you have known all your life from childhood or someone you met along the streets of life that has the same common interests like you do. Sometimes personality changes or better still re-adjusts along your growth curve and childhood friend might not fit into the new found lifestyle or way of life which is where the test of friendship comes in and most friends step out unconsciously for “new found lifestyle” friends to come in. Why does this happen sometimes? Why do we just stop conversations with friends and turn to observing them?

Every day, every hour, every minute somewhere, a memory is created involving a friend. They are God’s gift to bring stability to the lives of Men. As the saying goes “everybody needs somebody” and “no man is an island” clearly explains the need of association of humans, need to belong to something which also the social media (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) of the 21st Century (we never enter 22nd?) thrives on.

Photo by Cristina Cerda on Unsplash

Friends or group of friends have unique traits that increase the bond between them. It can be a unique form of greetings or “hailing” e.g. handshake, or different forms of eye contacts, “on code” words attributed to certain things or in a certain crew I knew; the BMF Crew it was just a damn, unique song, one that anytime, everywhere they might be together and its played, everyone knew a group of boys were there! They held shoulders, formed a circle and danced away! Singing and jumping! It was magical! Harmony at its finest! Everyone around those moments this happened always wanted to know this crew and wanted to join them, cos they made it POP!

Every group of friends has that one experience that no matter where you are or become, you carry it with you for life. We’re a little older, a little wiser, sorry mistake veterans but this the baddest in the game when given the chance. I don’t know what the future will bring either love or heartbreak, joy or pain, regret or overwhelming ecstasy but right now it’s bright.

One thing is certain friends go the distance no matter who steps in the picture, many friends come and go but few are constant. Friends that give you the permission to be who you truly are limitlessly unhindered and without boundaries! Living life as it should be in that very moment. Friends once together are loving, worthy, painstaking, laughing, magical…. BMF Crew as we called it.

I never said I was done with my growth, I never said I had it all figured out, I never said that I live my days without doubt but all I have ever done is to be honest in every phase of my life err maybe except women.. Lol and stay modest like I was taught. I always wanna be better than I was and better than I am. All I am trying to say is Thank You, Thank You Black Eyed Peas . best memories, best moments and the worst as well, in all Thank You

PS: We’re still making memories for tomorrow

Just trying to make sense of it all.




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